Create a decision tree for the implementation of ERP software. Research two brands of ERP software that a Pharmaceutical company could use to improve its performance. In the decision tree, analyze the possible effects that the implementation of each brand of ERP software may have on the company’s operations. In …
Category: Research Papers
Recommend Gender/Race
In order to figure out a specific topic to write about within the general topic areas, read about a topic area on Work in Progress (, a blog of the American Sociological Association on work and organizations. On the blog, search around a topic area using the above terms (e.g. …
Discussion Post
Read the attached article about the role of “Identity” in understanding terror groups and then respond to the two part question posed below (in bold) within the guidelines for Discussion Question posts found in the Syllabus Addendum. Discuss the role of “Identity” and its applicability to the exploitation of weaknesses …
Consumer Analysis
Write a 2 page description of a prime customer for any of the brand bellow: • MacDonald’s • Abercrombie & Fitch • Facebook Address the following: • Why you think he/she is your prime customer • His/her customer profile • His/her functional/emotional needs for the product. • Any consumer insights …
External Assessment on UPS
Identify and create a graphic of major competitors, identifying market share/products to show competition in the industry. Complete a Competitive Profile Matrix, using at least 12 factors and two competitors. Part IV- External Assessment (B) Summarize key industry trends for the last five years, using resources such as Standard & …
Business ethics
Consider whether the implementation of the SOX supports ethical behavior. Specifically, address Title 3 of SOX and whether you think SOX was effective for financial institutions in the recent financial crisis. Discuss, based on your experience, whether you think regulations work to maintain an ethical environment, or whether people are …
Business Studies
The book is Sharda, R., Delen, D., and Turban, E. (2014). Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics (3rd Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0-13-305112-4. The requirement is On page 33-34 of the SDT BI text, there is a case about Nationwide Insurance and how it …
Kinky 2d polymer chain
A long polymer chain consists of N identical units with bonds between each unit, where N is a very large number. The lowest energy state of the polymer is a straight line where all the bonds lie along a single line. A ”kink” defect allows the chain to form a …
Psychology/Human Applied Factors/Cognition
Part one: Why are the topics of human cognition and decision making particularly important to the work of Human Factors Engineers/Psychologists? Part two: Imagine that it is a hot summer day and it is your day to drive your five month old infant and three year old toddler to pre-school. …
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Needs Assessment
Written Assignment (Create a Needs Assessment document) Each student should develop a short (1-2 pages) Needs Assessment document that will be used as the foundation for the development of an RFP that will be issued for a new automated system. The chosen system may be any medical or business function …