A-CAT president ask Mittra, his vice-president of operations, to provide the sales department with an estimate of the mean number of transformers that

A-CAT president ask Mittra, his vice-president of operations, to provide the sales department with an estimate of the mean number of transformers that are required to produce voltage regulators. Mittra speculates that the mean number of transformers that are needed is less than 745 transformers. His analysis revelas the following. t = 2.32 and p = 0.9798Anova: Single FactorSUMMARYGroups       Count      Sum      Average              Variance2006           12           9614      801.1667             7020.5152007           12           10784    898.6667             18750.062008           12           11884    990.3333            21117.88Within Groups                515773           33       15629.48Total                               730545.2        35The operations manager is takes with developing a model for forecasting tfansformer requirements based on sales of refrigerator. Below summarizes sale of refrigerator and transformer requirment by quarter for the periods 2006 -2010 .1. Submit a selection of statistical tools and data analysis.2. Determine the category of the provided data in given in the case study. What is the relationship between the type of data and the tool?3. From the identified family of statisical tool, select the most appropriate tool for analyzing the data provided in the given case study.4. Describe the quantitative method that will best inform data-driven decisions.

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