A small winery manufactures 2 types of wine, Burbo’s Better (X) and Burbo’s Best (Y). Burbo’s Better results in profit of $4 per quart, whereas Burbo’

A small winery manufactures 2 types of wine, Burbo’s Better (X) and Burbo’s Best (Y). Burbo’s Better results in profit of $4 per quart, whereas Burbo’s Best has profit of $5 per quart. Two production workers mix the 2 wines. It takes a production worker 3 hours to mix a quart of the Better and 4 hours to mix a quart of the Best. Each worker puts in a 9 hour day. The quantity of alcohol that can be used to fortify the wine is limited to 24 ounces daily. Six ounces of alcohol are added to each quart of Burbo’s Better and 3 ounces are added to Burbo’s Best. Give the LP Model and use both the graphical method and Excel Solver to find the optimal solution.

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