Advanced Statistics?Beer-goggles effect? indicates a severe perceptual distortion after consuming vastquantities of alcohol. However, a recent research done by Vince Egan and GirayCordan (2009) found that consuming large amount of alcohol does not lead a manto think females look even younger or older. In their study, they also interested in ifalcohol consuming would influence males? judgments of the attractiveness offemales with or without makeups. The experiment design and data were not fromtheir article. Supposedly, they took a sample of 26 males, and gave them variousdoses of alcohol over four different weeks (0 pints, 2 pints, 4 pints, and 6 pints). Afterthey consuming the alcohol, they were asked to rate the attractiveness of a femalephoto. The female face was produced graphically using custom developed softwareto decrease or increase her makeups from no make-ups to sexually immature ormature). The dependent variable was the rating of the attractiveness for the possiblescore from 0 to 100. Here are the results:. Analyze the IN SPSS data using an alpha level of .05 for any statistical significance tests.Write up your findings in full sentences in APA format. (Free trial of SPSS here: the interaction with a plot of cell means. Use meaningful labels for thedisplay (e.g., don?t use ?A1?, or ?B2?).Give and interpret the effect size for each main effect and the interaction.