

Knapp, C. (1996) Drinking: a love story. New York: Dial Press.

1. To what extent does the individual’s reported symptoms and experiences meet the criteria described in the text and/or the DSM?
2. What positive and/or negative strategies does the individual use to cope with the symptoms and/or difficulties associated with his/her disorder?
3. For the last question, you will need to do some RESEARCH. I did searched In your paper, briefly summarize the finding of your article, and answer the following question: If the author of your memoir had known about the finding(s) of this article, how do you think it would have impacted him or her?
Format: Write your paper so that the questions above are answered in 2 pages. We will not read beyond three pages. Your paper should be typed, Times New Roman, double spaced and 12 point font with 1 inch margins. Resource/reference page does not count in your final page limit. Indent to indicate a new paragraph. Do not include extra space between paragraphs (you will need to change your default settings to make sure there is no space).
In your introduction, include a clear thesis or main concept regarding the questions and then offer support for this main idea with evidence/ideas primarily based on information from the memoir, our text, and class discussions. Use specific examples/incidents from the memoir to support your main points so that the question is clearly addressed in your response. Your essay should include an introduction, main body with supporting points, and a conclusion. You must use APA style to cite references in the text (e.g., the memoir, your text, or the research article you identified). For the purposes of this essay, do not refer to personal experiences.
This style of writing is different from writing an opinion piece or an essay where you are convincing or persuading the reader. Instead, the writer’s goal is to use nonjudgmental language to demonstrate knowledge of the memoir and well-supported observations regarding ways that the individual is influenced by having a mental illness.
Avoid plagiarism. If you are quoting or paraphrasing from the memoir or the textbook, then cite the author and page number, e.g., (Comer, p. 212.). See this link:
Grading Criteria (rubric used by instructors to grade your response):
Content ______ / 14
Compares the individual’s reported symptoms and experiences with the criteria described in the text and uses quotations and/or specific incidents from the memoir to support main points. (6)
Discusses positive and negative coping strategies with examples from the memoir (6).
Discusses a relevant research finding and how the finding(s) might have impacted the memoir’s author. (2).

Quality ______ / 6
Thesis or main concept is introduced in the beginning of the paper and supported with evidence/ideas with correctly cited sources (e.g., citing the memoir, text, DSM-5, and your article using APA style formatting) (3).
The paper is written so that the questions above are integrated into the paper as a whole. Includes an introduction, main body with supporting points, and a conclusion.Transitional sentences link ideas. The writing is organized and clear. There are few or no errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage of language (3).