Art Museum Landscape Project

Art Museum Landscape Project

Human/Nature Art Museum Landscape Project

This quarter we’re examining our relationship with nature—especially the different ways we perceive nature— and one means is to focus on the role of art. For this

project, you’ll visit the Portland Art Museum and consider how nature is portrayed in various visual art works. I’ve suggested some specific paintings and some areas

in the museum that are rich in these works, but you are welcome to choose other paintings as long as they are appropriate to the assignment. Be sure to provide proper

attribution, that is the title, date of creation, and the painter’s name for every piece to which you refer. Also, be sure to read “Looking Analytically” from Feldman

(attached and on D2L) since you will need it as a guide for both phases of this project.

How the natural world is portrayed in art is shaped by the cultural context in which the artist works. Although our eyes may be the same anatomically and

physiologically, we aren’t looking through identical lenses when we view nature. Art can serve as a lasting record, giving us some insight as to how nature was

perceived at different times and in different places. Art also influences and shapes culture. For this project I expect you will have read and thought about the

Andrews and Meinig, and also be prepared to consider other readings from this term, as appropriate. I’ll expect themes from these pieces to make their thoughtful

presence known in your interpretation as appropriate (with citations).

Our aim—to have you experience a variety of nature perspectives while paying closer attention to some, and critically analyzing how our readings help us relate to a

few—will be served by the following defined tasks (all of which you will turn in):

1. Observe and describe three (3) paintings or photographs (with either landscape motif or strong nature element). Your 3 works must be spread between at least 2

different galleries. As you look at the paintings, take notes using the first thr