Assessment principles

Assessment principles
Learning outcomes are specified in the Unit Information Form (UIF) for this unit. A copy of the UIF appears on the BREO site for the unit. In accordance with those learning outcomes, when assessing your essay, particular attention will be given to the following aspects:
• Your ability to describe and critically assess the relevant principles, concepts and theories of Public International Law.
• Whether the essay demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the international legal system and the ability to identify the international legal sources, the legal principles and the leading cases which are relevant to the legal analysis of the research question;
• Your ability to analyse and coordinate differing norms deriving from various sources in order to determine the law applicable to a given situation.
• Your ability to produce well-reasoned arguments which demonstrate a thorough understanding of the interplay between the international and the domestic legal systems.
• Whether the essay demonstrates the ability to critically assess the existing legal framework, by identifying gaps and weaknesses in the existing law and, where appropriate, proposing alternative solutions, taking account of the economic, social, or political context.
• Your ability to make an informed choice between two or more legal arguments where a number of propositions are suggested.
• Your ability to present your ideas in a clear, concise and academic way. In particular, you should be able to formulate your legal and policy arguments in a structured and convincing way, using appropriate terminology and appropriate references.


The question:

1. (Can states automatically prosecute persons alleged to have committed crimes against humanity who present on its territory even if the crimes were not committed on its territories? Discuss .)

2. R ea ding m a t e r i a l s
Essential materials
The recommended set textbook for the unit is Dixon, McCorquodale and
Williams, Cases and Materials on International Law (Oxford University Press,
ed., 2011).
By way of supplemental reading, you may also consider using Malcolm Evans
(ed.), International Law (Oxford University Press, 3rd
ed., 2011).In addition to the set textbook, it is strongly suggested that you buy, at the
beginning of the academic year, a copy of Blackstone’s International Law
Documents (10
edition). This collection of documents is an indispensable
companion to the study of international law.
Additional materials
In addition to readings from the textbooks recommended above, a list of essential
readings and additional suggested materials for each topic will be circulated and
placed on BREO in advance of each class