Assignment Requirements

Political-Economic Case Study

For this assignment you will be expected to explore a topic that illuminates some of the issues and concepts we are examining in the course. By now you will be developing a sense of what a political-economic approach to an issue is and the kinds of topics that are relevant to the political economy of communication. For this assignment you will choose a contemporary or historical case study that is relevant to the political economy of communication and research it from a political economic perspective. The case study must explicitly relate to media and/or communication. Broadly, taking up Mosco’s definition, your topic will examine the power relations that determine the production, distribution and consumption of media resources. Beyond this, you have the freedom to choose a topic you are interested in. Maybe you would like to do a political economy of Google, or Twitter, or Microsoft, or explore the rise of file sharing, or the growth of flexible employment in the creative industries, or the outsourcing of software production from a political-economic perspective, or you could look at the political economy of the international e-waste market, or do a political economy of Bitcoin… there are many, many possibilities.

Research Process

Once you have settled on an area you are interested in, the research process should unfold in three stages.

• First, you should gather as much recent and relevant academic research as you can on your topic. There will generally be existing research on your topic, and frequently there will be research from a political-economic perspective. You should examine this literature and know it.
• Second, you will want to scan the news media for articles on the case you are examining and read as many as you can.
• Finally, having scanned the literature, you should decide what part of the topic in particular you wish to pursue, what your argument is going to be, and how you are going to structure your paper.

Assignment Requirements

The final assignment should be between 8-10 pages (2000-2500) words) long, in 12-point font, double-spaced (excluding bibliography), and will demonstrate significant research on the topicYou should reference at least three academic articles/books and 6-8 news articles from reputable news media. You should also incorporate any relevant course material into your paper.