Brand’s ethical concerns
Assume that your report is for managers in your brand’s organisation to help them understand better their brand’s ethical concerns, brand development or positioning in their UK market. Select a market sector from the list on the next page and identify a brand within that market. Your selection must be agreed with your tutor in class. For the market/brand you have chosen from the attached list (see below) address ONE of the following tasks:
Task 1 Marketing Ethics
Using relevant concepts that are covered on the module, analyse the ethical dilemmas that face a marketing manager of your chosen brand. Outline the different approaches that a marketing manager for your brand might adopt to address these ethical dilemmas and examine whether the brand has been well managed with regard to the ethical decisions that have been taken. In your answer you should demonstrate up to date and relevant knowledge of your brand and its market (focus on the UK market), and up to date and relevant knowledge of consumer behaviour in this market by using information obtained from a Mintel (or similar) report. All sources must be properly acknowledged. (Please note a key reading for this task is the Crane and Matten extract given out in class).
Task 2 Branding and Own Label
Evaluate the importance of branding in this market and show how your brand has been leveraged (or could be leveraged).Discuss the extent to which you think your chosen brand is successful and assess the threat from own labels. You should make use of branding concepts and the material on own labels covered in class and through your own reading. In your answer you should demonstrate up to date and relevant knowledge of your brand and its market (focus on the UK market), and up to date and relevant knowledge of consumer behaviour in your market by using information obtained from a Mintel (or similar) report. (Please note that key readings for this task are the module notes on branding and own label, these are available on blackboard).
Task 3 Positioning (question continued on the page)
Explain what positioning is and evaluate the positioning of your chosen brand in its market and relative to its competitors. Identify the appropriate positioning criteria and use positioning maps to illustrate your analysis. Show how your brand’s positioning affects its marketing mix and make recommendations about how your brand’s positioning could be developed or enhanced. In your answer you should demonstrate up to date and relevant knowledge of your brand and its market (focus on the UK market), and up to date and relevant knowledge of consumer behaviour in your market by using information obtained from a Mintel (or similar) report. (Please note that key readings for this task are the module notes on positioning, these are available on blackboard).
Your work in total should be no longer than 1000 words excluding appendices, tables, charts and diagrams. Work in excess of this limit will not be considered for grading. Please note that students may be required to attend a viva (interview) to discuss any work submitted. University regulations on plagiarism apply. Your work may be scrutinised for plagiarism on Turnitin software.
Choosing your market, brand and task
Students must agree with the tutor in advance which combination of brand, market and question they are attempting. The aim is that every student submits a unique report. For example:
Market sector Brand Task
Student Vicky chooses Soap powder Persil 1
Student Riki chooses Soap powder Persil 2
Student Nikki chooses Soap powder Ariel 1
Student Freddie chooses Washing up liquid Persil 2
The tutor will keep a record of each student’s choices – once a particular combination has been selected by a student, no other student may choose that specific combination.
The deadline for submission is in week 8. Work date-stamped later than the agreed date will be capped at 40%. No extensions are permitted. Students with medical or other relevant reasons for non-submission must go through the mitigation process and, if accepted by the mitigation board, take the re-sit as a first sitting. Mitigation must be submitted within 10 days of the assessment deadline.
Below is the list of markets, you have to choose your brand from a market in this list. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Each student must have a unique combination of a market, brand and task.
List of markets – you must choose your market from this list
Examples of brands you could choose (other brands not listed here are also acceptable) – but agree your choice with your tutor in the tutorial first – every student is to select a unique combination of brand/market/task
Ice Cream Magnum, Solero, Haagen Dazs
Shampoo, conditioners and treatments Alberto VO5, Tresemme, Schwarzkopf, John Frieda
Facial skincare Boots No 7, Avon, Nivea
Babies’ and children’s personal care products Johnson & Johnson, Huggies, L’Oreal Kids
OTC painkillers and cold and flu remedies Lemsip, Karvol, Nurofen
Soap, bath and shower products Gillette, Olay, Carex
Household Polishes and Specialist Cleaners Vanish, Mr Sheen, Mr Muscle, Pledge
Crisps and salty snacks Walkers, Doritos, Mini Cheddars
Cakes and cake bars Mr Kipling, go ahead!, Lyons
White spirits and RTDs Bombay Sapphire, Bacardi, Finlandia
Dairy Drinks, Milk and Cream Yazoo, Frijj, Cravendale
Yellow fats and edible oils Anchor, Country Life, Utterly Butterly
Yogurts and desserts Muller, Activia, Yeo Valley
Cider Magners, Bulmers, Merrydown
Coffee (for use at home) Cafe Direct, Douwe Egberts, Maxwell House
Use the list below to help you check that your coursework covers all the specified learning outcomes.
Task 1 Marketing ethics
Identified a wide range of marketing ethical problems using relevant theory
Can use theory relating to marketing ethics to analyse specific ethical problems the brand faces
Can suggest three different approaches that a marketing manager may adopt to help him/her resolve ethical dilemmas
Assesses whether the ethics relating to the chosen brand have been well managed (with reasons)
Task 2 Branding and own label
Can describe theory on branding and own label in own words?
Discusses whether the brand is successful (using relevant theory)?
Discusses how the brand has been leveraged or could be leveraged (using relevant theory)?
Discusses the impact of OL on the brand
Task 3 Positioning
Can describe theory on positioning in own words?
Can evaluate the positioning of the chosen brand within its market and relative to competitors?
Has provided examples of positioning maps using appropriate criteria?
Has made reasoned suggestions on how the brand’s positioning could be developed or enhanced