A seminal contribution to the popular music industry of the nineteen-sixties came to be known as the “British Invasion”. This invasion can further be characterized as consisting of two schools- each one relying on a specific American musical style for its inspiration. Discuss these diverse schools, noting their unique American templates. Furthermore, identify a minimum of three representative bands and songs that best characterize each school. What, in your opinion, is the logical reason why two differing approaches to imitating American popular music came from Great Britain at this time? Include in your paper any other factors you consider important in grasping a better understanding of this remarkable musical phenomenon.
Papers are to be three in length, double-spaced and at a twelve-point font. Include a bibliography page- a minimum of three sources must be cited. For reference material obtained through the internet, refer to http://www.virtualsalt.com/mla.htm for proper citation. For book citation, use the following format:
Author, Title (underlined), city published: publisher, year
Yudklin, Jeremy, Music in Medieval Europe, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1989