Buyer behavior and relationship marketing

Buyer behavior and relationship marketing

Identify and analyse a subculture of consumption, relate its activities in terms of consumption theory:

1. What is the subculture/culture i.e. how does it relate to the definitions of either? Also note how is the culture/subculture used by consumers in relating to one another i.e. Where do they meet/exchange information etc.
2. Identify the links to consumption (i.e. product and/or activity)
3. Link to consumption theory: i.e. postmodern consumer, links to ritual consumption, consumption for identity creation, consumer rejection of authority, symbolic consumption, hedonic consumption, conspicuous consumption, consumer culture theory etc.

Analyse the consumer behaviour of consumers in any one subculture (it can be based around any sort of culture or subculture) you must relate and reference and relevant consumer behaviour theories and concepts. Demonstrate that you have a good understanding of your chosen consumer behaviour theories and how these apply to purchasing of your chosen product category/context.

In other words,
1. Choose your culture/subculture (personal experience can be used)
2. Read the background material from blackboard
3. Link cultural activities/product(s) within the realm of consumption theory
4. Analyse activities/product(s) within the realm of consumption theory


There have been placed on blackboard a variety of articles in the form of PDF?s these books are here to give you additional basic and theoretical grounding

Evans, Jamal and Foxall (2009) Chapter 8: Consumer Behaviour 2nd ed.

Schouten, J.; McAlexander, J. H. (1995). "Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers". Journal of Consumer Research 22 (3): 43?61

Schouten, J.; McAlexander, J. H.; Harold F Koening, F. H. (2002) Building brand community, Journal of Marketing; Jan 2002; 66, 1; pg. 38 available at

Algesheimer, R.; Dholakia, U.M.; & Herrmann, A. (2005) The Social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69 (July 2005), pp. 19?34 available at

Arnould, E. J.; Thompson, C. J. (2005). "Consumer culture theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research". Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4): 868?882

Kozinets, R. V. (2001). "Utopian Enterprise: Articulating the Meanings of Star Trek?s Culture of Consumption". Journal of Consumer Research 28 (3): 67?88. JSTOR 254324

Maffesoli, Michel (1996) The time of the tribes: The decline of individualism in mass society:

Consumer culture theory
Belk, Russell, W., Sherry, John, F. (2006) Consumer Culture Theory Conference

Featherstone, Mike (1991) Consumer culture and postmodernism

Featherstone, Mike (1995) Undoing culture: globalization, postmodernism and identity

Lee, Martyn, J. (1993) Consumer culture reborn: The cultural politics of consumption

Victor W. Turner (1969) Ritual process: structure and anti-structure /

Christina Goulding, University of Wolverhampton Mike Saren, University of Strathclyde Pauline Maclaran, De Montfort University John Follett, University of Wolverhampton (2004), "Into the Darkness: Androgyny and Gender Blurring within the Gothic Subculture", in Gender and Consumer Behavior Volume 7, : Association for Consumer Research

History of gothic subculture

Gothic subculture

Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers by John W. Schouten and James H. McAlexander Journal of Consumer Research Vol. 22, No. 1 (Jun., 1995), pp. 43-61:

Available at:

And: The Evolution of a Subculture of Consumption John W. Schouten, Diane M. Martin and James H. McAlexander:

Available at:,%20Martin%20&%20McAlexander%202007.pdf