Challenges at school
1.Choose a problem, issue, or challenge that you know to exist in the workplace or at school. This can be a real problem/concern that you have currently or can be one that you believe strongly is real but others do not seem to be aware of it. It needn’t be a life-altering theme, but as with everything in this course, you should consider covering something that might be useful to you in your career (current or future). Obviously, you needn’t write about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or get you into “trouble” should it be seen by your current employer/classmates/professors. Think about audience, even a potential one that you didn’t intend to see the work.
2.Imagine you’ve been asked by your supervisor or a formal committee to explain and analyze the issue and to write a recommendation for your school or workplace to address the issue. This recommendation will go to your supervisor/committee and to audiences higher than your supervisor/committee.
3.Write a technical report of at least five pages (more is ok, if appropriate). This is including illustrations, but be sure to develop solid content overall. Don’t rely on a few graphs to do you work, for example. The bulk of this assignment should be your writing. If you borrow illustrations or tables they need to be cited. If you create your own, consider the ration of image to text, not only in terms of quantity but also in size.
4.Include research (with appropriate citations) as needed, which essentially means I will assume most of your projects will need research of some sort, but I will not require a certain amount. Cite sources. Not every profession uses MLA citations, so either look up what is appropriate for you profession or otherwise provide clear, accurate attribution to the sources you’re using. Use the resources linked on Canvas and that are in your book. Documentation And Style (Citations)
5.Using the list on page 154 in ETC, choose which kind of report is appropriate for what you’re writing. Construct your document as such.
6.Summarize the issue, identifying key elements and the purpose for your report.
7.Offer your analysis of the issues, your conclusions and your recommendations (which becomes a proposal of sorts), etc.
8.Don’t forget to include elements such as costs or materials needed, length of time to implement the recommendations, parties who should/will be included in your recommendations, etc. Include any resources (materials, links to websites, illustrations) that you might suggest be used in moving forward with your recommendation. Explain what a link leads the reader to instead of simply dropping in a link.
In this technical report, you should also be employing the other elements we’ve covered so far in the class: audience awareness, ethical writing, readability, appropriate word choice and sentence structure, document design, etc. Feel free to consult the supplemental resources I’ve provided.
Examples—use these as ideas. You are not required to use any of these but may do so if you wish:
•A rise in student cheating and plagiarism
•Employee theft of office supplies
•Unethical reporting of data among colleagues
•Unethical behavior at work
•Poor employee morale
•Student alienation from a sense of campus community
•Students are not recycling as they could
•Co-workers sending passive-aggressive email messages
•Co-workers “spamming” the office with cat videos (aw! so cute!)
•New hires or part-time workers are under-trained for their positions
•Classmates or co-workers are spending too much time on personal devices or social networks, leading to distractions among the class/office/etc
•Someone wears too much cologne or perfume
•Someone keeps stealing snacks from the honor box (jerk!)
•One or more supervisors are micromanaging to the point of hindering work for other employees
•Drug use on campus by students is obvious to other students but seems to be ignored by campus security or staff
•You need to decide on a location for employee training or a retreat (if you choose this one, use real locations that you can visit. Don’t make it all up)
•Disruptive behavior at your child’s daycare or school
•There’s an Internet troll on the loose
Required Texts and Materials
•The Essentials of Technical Writing. Tebeaux and Dragga. Oxford Press. 2012. ISBN 9780199890781