Collaborative consultation in saudi arabi

Collaborative consultation in saudi arabi

What are the potential benefits of collaborative consultation in your country in the settings in which you operate, and what factors or circumstances hinder or undermine its use or efficacy ? What are the underlying assumptions of effective collaborative consultation ?

1. What are the differences between collaboration and consultation ?
– definitions ? (4 marks)
-definitions of consultation, collaboration and counselling ? (plus discussion)
e.g., consultation is a voluntary problem-solving process that can initiated and terminated by either the consultant or consultee. Collaboration is not the same as consultancy.
Collaboration involves pooling the expertise of the collaborators and using the information as the basis of problem solving.
– there are differences between consultancy, collaboration and counselling in terms of goals, how decisions are made, who owns the problem solving and any plan that comes out of it ?

2. What are important differences between different models of consultation ? (6 marks)
– what are some of the main ones?
– traditional expert model
Assess-diagnose-treatment or prescribed solutions
– mixed consultant-expert model
assists in clarifying problems (including assessment) but diagnosis diagnosis does not prescribe the solution
– facilitator / mentor model (consultee-centred)
– collaborative consultation model
open communication, negotiated processes, trust, co-planning, mutual agreements, joint responsibilities, shared problem solving,
adopting an ‘unknowing stance’ – doesn’t assume one knows
what the person’s problem is, nor the best way to help?
– I suggest you consider making references to models such as
Traditional Medical Consultation, ‘Conjoint Behavioral Consultation’,
‘Solution-Focused Consultee Centred Consultation’, and
Multi-Disciplinary Teams

3. What is a definition of collaborative consultation ? (4 marks)
I suggest you refer to Friend & Cook provide a useful definition – need to discuss it too

4. What are the potential benefits of collaborative consultation in your country ? (5 marks)
– social support (emotional & practical) – breaks down social isolation
– can liberate people from isolating views and dysfunctional thinking.
– A number of heads is better than one
– Behaviour is shaped by the actions of stakeholders and participants in the target setting, if service providers, caregivers and participants are involved as collaborators this facilitates implementation of planned changes.
– Social validation – social acceptance and recognized significance
– Parents are key educators of their children and need to active collaborators in developing plans to support their children
– If your country doesn’t make much use of collaborative consultation
then just talk in general about the likely potential benefits
of collaborative consultation
When talking about your own country please free to talk in the first
5. What difficulties (factors or circumstances )hinder or prevent collaborative consultation in schools ? (8 marks)
– voluntary vs coercive?
– consultee doesn’t think they have a problem ( or admit to it )
– lack of open communication
-difficulties in operating as co-equals (the consultee may want the consultant to ‘own’ it)
-Lack of trust and respectful relationship – fear and distrust
– worries about confidentiality
– lack of administrative support
– clash of theoretical perspectives on behavioural change
– unrealistic expectations
-can’t negotiate a solvable problem
– lack of time & difficulties in meeting
– lack of skill and knowledge in the area of difficulty
– lack of confidence

6. What are the key conditions under which collaborative consultation is (8 marks)
likely to be effective ? – A number of these are mentioned in Friend & Cook’s definition, but
there are others as well relating to open communication,
administrative support, negotiated process, adequate time, etc
you can use this (Cook, Lynne & Friend, Marilyn 2010, ‘The state of the art of collaboration on behalf of students with disabilities’, Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-8.
The state of the art of collaboration on behalf of students with disabilities)