Community Report


For this assignment, choose one local community organization that is
dedicated to some social, cultural or artistic purpose that addresses at
least one of the social inequalities explained in our course materials.

Some basic organization types to think about might include ones that
were founded to address:

art/environment exposure to various populations
battered families
educational attainment
ethnic empowerment
foster care
gender empowerment
immigrant & refugee transition
LGBT support
medical/surgery assistance
small business backing
workers rights

Please do not choose an organization that you are already involved in,
as your previous engagement with the organization may constrict the
capacity to learn and to critically asses the organization.

Through the organization?s own material, what others may have written
about it, and if possible, your own interviews with members of the
organization, prepare a report which describes:

The report should discuss but not be limited to the following:
the name of the organization,
description of the organization: its sources of funding, its
organizational structure, whether it is a profit or nonprofit group, its

Thesis (KEY!):
the explanation of SOC 350-related social issue(s) that the organization
"Angles" (aka body paragraphs)
the types of activities it supports,
who the organization serves and whether the population that is recipient
to the services are involved in leadership and decision making of the
how the organization works to contest and/or ameliorate the consequences
of inequality.

stated purpose of the organization and your assessment of how well the
organization meets the purpose

The most important part of the assignment is its analytic focus, i.e.,
discuss how the purpose, function, or other aspects of this organization
reflect the major themes or ideas about cultural diversity and
inequality that we are studying in this class.
Be specific.


The Community Report is intended to be an integrative essay; you should
demonstrate that you are able to discuss the various concepts covered in
SOC 350 in an informed academic fashion. Students are are expected to
connect a wide range of various SOC 350 sources across different themes
and units (particularly the readings from Unit 4), with your own outside

Use of sources: Please use a wide range of research from SOC 350 and
outside = there should be at least 2-3 different SOC 350-related sources
per angle.
This means a cohesive mix of text, web source, and the outside sources
you examine, such as the organization’s web site, its partner links,
media articles, press releases, and other scholarly journal or book
articles on your organization’s focus.

Critical Analysis: Do not merely copy+paste quotes from materials into
your Report.
Instead, synthesize and interpret the information in your own words,
using properly cited resources that you build upon with your analysis.
Be sure to cite the source of all information that is not common knowledge.
Again, do not import materials directly from the organizations materials
(copy+paste), but rather, apply SOC 350 course ideas and information,
describe and analyze, and explain your findings in your original writing.

The paper must be posted to "Community Report" folder in
Dropbox by Midnight on the last day of class.

NOTE: Please save your work as "yourlastname-Report" in either
.doc/.docx or .rtf format.

* Post Community Report form and/or content related questions to the
"Q & A" discussion board.

Unit 1: The Social Construction of Race


Module 1: theory
Part I Introduction: The Social Construction of Difference: Race, Class,
Gender, and Sexuality, Paula Rothenberg, pp. 7-12
Imagine a Country, 2012, Holly Sklar, pp. 324-334
Domination & Subordination, Jean Baker Miller, pp. 110-116
Oppression, Marilyn Frye, pp. 149-152
The Problem of Discrimination, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, pp. 263-273
Defining Racism: "Can We Talk?", Beverly Daniel Tatum, pp. 125-132
Constructing Race, Creating White Privilege, Pem Davidson Buck, pp. 33-38
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, Peggy McIntosh, pp.
Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, Annette Lareau, pp.
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 9, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.

Module 2: social class

Class in America: 2012, Gregory Mantsios, pp. 189-207
Deconstructing the Underclass, Herbet Gans, pp. 104-109
"Nickel and Dimed" from The American Ruling Class (about 10
mins), Bill Moyers
Cause of Death: Inequality, Alejandro Reuss, pp. 389-393
Still Separate, Still Unequal: America’s Educational Apartheid, Jonathan
Kozol, pp. 627-640
College Choices Are Limited for Students From Needy Families, Report
Says, Stephen Burd, pp. 308-309
Jacob Hacker and Paul Pierson on Engineered Inequality (36:01), Bill Moyers
The Making of the American 99% and the Collapse of the Middle Class,
Barbara Ehrenreich and John Ehrenreich, pp. 350-354
Wealth Gaps Rise To Record Highs Between Whites, Blacks, Hispanics:
Twenty-to-One, Kochhar, Fry, & Taylor, pp. 355-361
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 9, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.

ClassLive Pro session (required): will be held on Tuesday evening,
September 3, 2013 from 7 p.m. to approximately 8 p.m. If you are unable
to attend you can review the chat archive and write a 1-2 page summary.


Unit 2: Understanding Poverty and Class Privilege in Society


Required Community Report: post your specific organization for the
Community Report in Deadlines by Monday, February 10, 2014.

Module 3: race: creating and maintaining the color line

"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness" (11:58), Michelle Alexander
Arrest of Black Men (5:47), Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
A Class Divided (46:00), Frontline
The Ethics of Living Jim Crow: An Autobiographical Sketch, Richard
Wright, pp. 23-32
The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia: "Using Objects of
Intolerance to Teach Tolerance and Promote Social Justice"
? Scroll through "The Museum and exhibits" tabs

C.P. Ellis, Studs Terkel, pp. 482-492
Without Sanctuary: Photographs and Postcards of Lynching in America,
? Scroll through menu

? NOTE: these are highly sensitive images via photo/video.

The Black Codes, W.E.B. Du Bois, pp. 532-539
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 1857, pp. 524?527
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954, pp. 556?560
Brown v. Board of Education: In Pursuit of Freedom and Equality
Traveling Exhibit
Please scroll through all 12 panels on this website.
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 16, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.

Module 4: race: ethnicity and nationality

Racial Formations, Michael Omi and Howard Winant, pp. 13-22
Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of America, Mae Ngai,
pp. 224-234
Smells Like Racism, Rita Chaudhry Sethi, pp. 141-148
Immigration’s Aftermath, Alejandro Portes, pp. 397-400
Color-Blind Racism, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, pp. 133-140
Part VII Introduction: How it Happened: Race and Gender Issues in U.S.
Law, pp. 493-500
Nina Jablonski Breaks the Illusion of Skin Color (14:48), Ted Talks
RACE – The Power of an Illusion, PBS
Click on the "Learn More" button to work through the Modules
Civilize Them with a Stick, Mary Brave Bird (Crow Dog) and Richard
Erodes, pp. 410-413
Indian Tribes: A Continuing Quest . . ., U.S. Commission on Human
Rights, p. 499-503
For Many Latinos, Racial Identity is More Culture than Color, Mireya
Navarro, pp. 238-241
People v. Hall, 1854, pp. 522-523
Yellow, Frank Wu, pp. 422-425
How Jews Became White Folks: and What That Says About Race in America,
Karen Brodkin, 39-53
Then Came the War, Yuri Kochiyama, pp. 414-421
Confinement and Ethnicity: An Overview of World War II Japanese American
Relocation Sites
Click through the Menu items on the left
Presumed Guilty: American Muslims and Arabs (28:56), Making Contact:
National Radio Project
The Arab Woman and I, Mona Fayad, pp. 426-427
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 16, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.

ClassLive Pro session (required): will be held on Tuesday evening,
September 10, 2013 from 7 p.m. to approximately 8 p.m. If you are unable
to attend you can review the chat archive and write a 1-2 page summary.

Midterm Exam

The Midterm Exam will be released at noon Pacific time on the Monday of
Week 2: Monday, February 10. It is due in the "Midterm Exam"
Dropbox folder by midnight Pacific time on Sunday, February 16.


Unit 3: Understanding Sexism and Racism in Society


(Recommended) Community Report: post your records of contact with the
organization and research for the Community Report in Deadlines by
Monday, February 17, 2014.

(Recommended) Community Report: post your thesis with the organization
and research for the Community Report in Deadlines by Sunday, February
23, 2014.

Module 5: gender

The Cult of Domesticity and True Womanhood lecture, Professor Catherine
Lavender, The College of Staten Island of CUNY
"Night to His Day": The Social Construction of Gender, Judith
Lorber, pp. 54-65
Patriarchy, Allan Johnson, pp. 153?162
Sexism, Strength & Dominance: Images of Masculinity in Disney Films
(6:52), Sanjay Newton
Women’s Suffrage Documentary (6:22)
Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, Seneca Falls Convention,
1848, pp. 513?16
United States Constitution: 19th Amendment, 1920, p. 550
The Equal Rights Amendment (Defeated), p. 562
Study: Median Wealth for Single Black Women: $100, Single Hispanic
Women: $120, Single White Women: $41,000 (20:02), Democracy Now!
Homophobia As a Weapon of Sexism, Suzanne Pharr, pp. 163-172
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 23, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.

Module 6: sexuality

The Social Construction of Sexuality, Ruth Hubbard, pp. 66-69
The Invention of Homosexuality, Jonathan Ned Katz, pp. 70-81
Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame, and Silence in the Construction
of Gender Identity, Michael S. Kimmel, pp. 82-93
Zach Wahls Speaks About Family (3:01), Iowa House of Representatives
The Case of Sharon Kowalski and Karen Thompson: Ableism,
Heterosexism,and Sexism, Joan L. Griscom, pp. 472-480
Anti-Gay Stereotypes, Richard D. Mohr, pp. 585-591
"It’s Time. End Marriage Discrimination Ad" (1:56), GetUp!
(from Australia)
Why Transgender Identity Matters, Rebecca Juro, pp. 283-285
Discussion answers and responses: due Sunday, February 23, 2014, by
midnight Pacific time.