Critical Thinking integrate Intelligence and Character

Critical Thinking integrate Intelligence and Character
This essay, is your chance to display your critical and creative thinking.

Prompt 2
Speaking about education, Dr. Martin Luther King once said, ‘‘The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.’’

Prompt 2 question:
Critical thinking is a central goal of Jesuit education, and at LMU you’ll be asked to think critically and intensively in every class. Dr. King suggests that critical thinking results in our ability to inform intelligence with character, and strengthen character with intelligence. Please talk about a situation that demanded critical thinking from you, and how your choices or decisions integrated intelligence and character.

This is the prompt to my personal statement. My situation/experience is when I was given a project selling drinks for my Business class trial assignment. The group with the highest profit will get an additional point in their final presentation. First we sell different drinks everyday from coke to juices to see what people’s demand is. Thus, we select few drinks that we really want to sell and focus with it because changing what we sell everyday is kind of hard and the profit is unstable. However, after 2 weeks going on with our plan the profit started to slowing down because we discovered that is a seasonal drink and people will get bored if they drink it everyday. I was so determined that I want to stick with the plan because it takes time to prepare all the drinks that we have come up. However, I learn that I have to think critically and open minded, why would you want to continue selling drinks that started to make the profit to slow down. With a lot of debate between members of my group, we decided to changed the menu and diversify the drink. Thus, realising that we need to use media and marketing to increase our brand awareness. At the end we get second highest profit.