descriptive essay on a place

descriptive essay on a place

For this essay, you will choose a specific place to write about. Your goal is to provide a sense of that place for your reader (detailed descriptions, history, etc.) and also to present an argument about why that place matters. What makes it special? Is it special to you personally? To your family or community? Or to the larger culture?

As you draft your essay, consider the following questions:

**What are the physical characteristics of the place? What does it look like? Describe the place. (If you are able to do so, I recommend visiting the place and spending as much time as possible observing it and taking notes.)
**What memories are evoked by a particular place?
**How do you feel about the place? Do you like it? Why or why not?
**What is the significance of the place for you?
**What is the significance of the place for other people? Does it have emotional significance? Political significance?
**What does the place represent? What is its symbolism? Does it represent an idea or a concept?
**What, if any, debates exist about the place?

You do not necessarily need to address each of these questions in your paper, but finding answers to them during the brainstorming or drafting process will help you develop your ideas and figure out what your focus will be.

Basic requirements for the essay:

**Essays should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides and no additional spaces between paragraphs.
**Do not include an elaborate heading for your essay. Follow MLA guidelines for heading and title.
**All essays should be given an interesting title that gives the reader an idea of the essay’s focus.
**Essays should be saved as Word files (.doc or .docx) and submitted to this assignment prompt on Edmodo.
**Essays should be a minimum of 3 pages in length but may be longer