Choose a discourse example to analyse (or two to compare) ? Analyse it
(or them) with respect to
– Field / Ideational function: What is the subject matter and how is it
-? Tenor / Interpersonal function: Who are the people involved (speaker,
writer, dialogue
participants, reader, addressee, ….) and how does this affect the
discourse ‘as an exchange’?
-? Mode / Textual function: What is the medium of this discourse and how
is ‘textuality’ created?
You can focus on any one of these – develop one perspective in much
detail, and only refer to the others briefly or address all of them in
equal depth.
Make sure to show precisely where in language the phenomena happen that
you talk about. Be specific!
Any kind is suitable – you’re free to choose. a scripted dialogue from a
movie..etc or a newspaper article or a short story.
It can be of any length, but it should be complete (not an extract). The
discourse example must be included in the assignment. either (if it’s
short) integrated in the essay? or appended separately (outside the word
count).Don’t forget to provide the source where you found the discourse