Entire film

Entire film

Assignment instructions: This assignment requires that you download/stream and watch the film ?The Bucket List.?
1. Watch the entire film. You may have to watch several times in order to answer the questions.
2. Structure your paper in outline form, using the exact outline given in this assignment. The paper itself does not need to be in APA format, but any references in text must be in APA format, and there must be a reference section in APA format at the end of the paper. Failure to use the outline form or to use proper APA format for citations/references will reduce your grade.
3. This assignment will require that you answer specific questions designed to assess your understanding of the movie, the health issue, and concepts/theory from the course. You will have to do research and integrate your findings into the paper for specific questions. Failure to answer each question thoroughly and to integrate research to support the answer will reduce your grade.

4. Format your paper by using the outline provided below. For each question include the question in full, in bold, and then type your full answer in plain font or italics. Failure to follow this format requirement will reduce your grade.
5. You may use ONLY credible websites for your research and the textbook for this course. See the questions below for credible web sources.
6. Any information you gather form any source ?- other than the movie itself — MUST be put in your own words, paraphrased, and properly cited in APA format. Even paraphrased information must be cited appropriately. You may use 1 quotation from an outside source, consisting of up to 70 words. Quotations longer than this are not acceptable. If you are not familiar with APA format see these links:
APA Style
Purdue Owl APA format
Cornell Citation Guidelines APA format
Failure to cite in APA format may result in an F on the assignment. Your must NOT cut and paste from websites, you must put any information you find in your own words. Plagiarism will result in penalties including possible F on the assignment.
7. This assignment MUST be submitted to turnitin.com. Any document with an originality report above 40% (excluding the required questions which must be typed out) will receive a zero (0), the student may fail the course, and the student may be brought up on charges of Academic Misconduct.
8. All papers must be in Microsoft Word, spell-checked and grammatically correct.
Your grade will be reduced for spelling and grammatical errors.
9. There is no page limit or requirement. Your paper will be as long as it is necessary for you to answer each question as thoroughly and completely as possible.
10. Your grade on this assignment is based on your competence at demonstrating your knowledge of the film, your competence at integrating research from the provided sources, and your competence at following the directions and requirements of the assignment.
11. Your answers must be thorough and complete. The more useful details and information you include the better you will do. ****PLEASE MAKE SURE TO ANSWER ALL 9 QUESTIONS COMPLETELY***
12. Papers must be submitted, time absolute, by the deadline of 11:55pm on Friday, December 6th. NO late papers are accepted under any circumstances.
Your goal should be to write essay answers to each question providing as much evidence of your thought and deep analysis of the question as possible. We are looking to see that you have thought deeply and investigated thoroughly the issues raised in the movie.
*The format for the paper should duplicate the outline below. Copy and paste the question and then type your answer in regular font or italics below it.

I. Summary of the Movie.
a. Give a detailed summary of the plot and characters and the story that
unfolds in this movie. Give a detailed description of the main characters? personalities, culture, socioeconomic and historical contents, their relationships, set the stage of ?who they are? when the movie begins, and then tell the story of what happens over the course of the film.
II. Research on Cancer. (Use your own research: outside resources, your textbook, the web and the movie to answer the following questions). Credible sources for researching this question are: National Cancer Institute American Cancer Society WebMD medline plus Wikipedia. You may also use information from news or science sources such as the New York Times, Scientific American, Science, CNN, etc. If you have any doubt about the acceptability of a source, please email Dr. Frazier. You will need to investigate each of the following questions (a ? e) and integrate these sources.
a. How many different types of known cancers are there? What is the most prevalent cancer for men? Women? Both sexes?
b. What are some common cancers that are most prevalent by age? For example, which cancers are more prevalent in children? Adolescents? Early adulthood? Late adulthood? Elderly?
c. In your opinion and based on what you saw in the movie, how does cancer affect the lives of those who suffer from it?
d. How does it affect the lives of the caregivers/family members?
e. What is chemotherapy? What are the side effects of chemotherapy? Use
from movie and your own research.
f. Have you had any personal experiences with cancer? If so, what were
III. Hospitalization
a. According to your personally, how does being an inpatient in a hospital
affect one?s mental attitude?
b. Again, in your personal opinion, what do you see as being the pros and
cons of having a roommate in the hospital?
c. According to the movie, who made the decision of having two people to a
room? How and why did it happen this way?
IV. In the movie, Carter talks about the different stages of grief (K?bler-Ross’s theory consult textbook or credible websites and reference in APA format). Please list the stages and give details of when you think Carter and Edward entered each stage.
V. Bucket list
a. According to the movie, what is a bucket list? b. Who introduced Carter to the Bucket List?

c. What are some things that were on Carter and Edward?s bucket list?
d. There is a turning point during the movie in which Carter finally accepts
the bucket list and looks forward to continuing it. Please explain this
turning point in detail.
e. There is a turning point during the movie in which Edward rejects the
bucket list and decides to end his participation in it. Please explain this turning point in detail.
VI. What happens during the trip to the Himalayas? What does it lead to at the bar?
VII. Near the end of the movie, Carter is in the hospital and he explains the origin of the coffee that Edward loves to drink. Explain the origin? What is Edward?s reaction?
VIII. Describe the ending of the film? How does this affect the viewer? Now, write your own ending. Be as creative as possible. How would you have liked this movie to end?
IX. Create your own ?Bucket List?. Be specific, be original, and be creative.