Evaluation of Learning

Evaluation of Learning

• Who is tracking progress (1)
• What is being measured, i.e. what variables (2)
• Description of how you are tracking and evaluating; attach sample (5)
• When do you consider learning has been successful? (1)

Maintenance and Generalization of Learning
• how will the new learning be maintained after teaching (3)
• how will the new learning be transferred to other environments, materials and/or tasks (5)
• appropriate use of learning and teaching terminology (3)
• grammar, spelling, organization and tone (5)

Teaching Plan Case Study: Penny

Penny is a 28 year old woman with an intellectual disability who lives in supported housing in London, Ontario. Currently, Penny lives in a home with her roommate Sandy, who also has an intellectual disability. They are visited by their support worker Kendra twice a week. Kendra assists Penny and Sandy with banking, grocery shopping, cleaning, getting organized, and any problem solving that they might need help with. Penny is independent in making her own simple breakfast and lunch, such as cereal or a sandwich, and is able to make simple microwavable meals with Sandy for dinner. Sometimes the women will make the same dinner meal several days a week because they have a limited repertoire of meal ideas and ability. Penny can use the microwave, toaster, and electric kettle independently. She expressed an interest in learning how to cook, especially to make a hot meal for dinner.

Penny is independent with her own self care and grooming. She has long wavy brown hair that she washes three times a week. She usually lets her hair dry naturally, except when she visits the hairdresser. She likes the way the hairdresser dries and styles her hair, and would like to try drying and styling her hair herself. She is also interested in learning how to apply make-up, so she can get “dressed up” on occasion when she goes out.

In addition to self-care, Penny is enthusiastic about becoming more independent with her household chores, including cleaning and mowing the lawn, but she is not sure how to get organized and reach this goal. Kendra and Penny’s parents usually do the vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, laundry and lawn mowing, but feel Penny is capable of becoming independent with these activities with some instruction and practice. Penny and Sandy’s home is often messy, and sometimes when Kendra comes to visit, there is nowhere to sit because of the clutter in the living room and kitchen.

With respect to money management, Penny is afraid that if she tries to do banking on her own, he will “mess up” and will no longer be able to live independently. Penny and her parents are hoping that one day Penny would be more independent with money management, including depositing her monthly ODSP check, taking out the appropriate amount of money for her weekly expenses (bus pass, Tim Horton’s coffee, videos, etc.), and paying her monthly bills (rent, hydro, cable, phone). Penny has functional reading and writing abilities. She also has functional math skills, such as being able to add, subtract, and multiply using a calculator.

Penny’s family lives in London and she often spends time with them in the evening and on weekends. Penny has a busy life during the week, spending three days per week at her job at the hardware store, cleaning, running errands, and stocking shelves. She independently takes the bus to her job, which she really enjoys, as many regular customers have gotten to know her and say hello. Penny’s language skills are good, and she is very social and enjoys the conversations that she shares with others at work and home. Penny has made some friends at work, and would like to invite a friend over to her house to have dinner and watch a movie or play Battleship.

Recently, Penny’s support worker Kendra told her that she will be working with a DSW student on placement from Fanshawe, and asked if Penny was interested in working with the DSW towards one of her goals. Penny was very interested. As Penny’s new DSW student support worker, how might you help her? What could you teach her to improve the quality of her life?