Event management
1) Market: you can choose from only one of the seven event markets, must choose Green event?
2 Event context: what are the factors (societal, environmental, economic and political developments) which shape your market.
3 Strategic decisions: identify and evaluate the past strategic decisions arising from the event context, and consider the most appropriate future strategic
Your essay should include:
1) A description of your event market (such as size, geographical boundaries and potential).
2) Definition of terms.
3) Assessment of the context which shapes the market.
4) Identification of past strategic decisions.
5) Develop logical and informed future strategic approaches.
Your essay must include reference to relevant academic literature throughout. Due to the nature of this type of case study work you will need to read widely among a
range of literature, focusing on the areas that you deem most relevant for your particular case. You must make use of relevant trend data within your essay. No matter
what your topic, this is always possible.
There is not a specific layout requested for the essay, however, the following should be included:
? Logical structure to content
? Clear presentation
? Academic referencing must be used to support arguments, ideas or when an example or quote is used
? Adhere to the assignment brief (read above and below)
Your essay must be 3,500 words (+ / – 10%), excluding title pages, tables and references. You must include a word count below the last line of text and no appendices
are permitted.
Assessment Criteria
Marks are awarded as follows:
20% Structure – Overall presentation and clear, easily followed structure with use of transitions/transitional devices.
50% Content – Does the content address the brief, is it logically derived, include the use of relevant data, and demonstrate innovative thoughts and/or a clearly
evidenced rationale?
20% References – Are specific and relevant knowledge of the literature and correct use of citations demonstrated?
10% Mechanical – Style, spelling, spacing, punctuation, grammar, word usage, adherence to guidelines. Perfect copy is being looked for here.
The work must:
1) Be presented to a good standard and word-processed, double spaced, with a minimum of 12 point font, Arial;
2) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant concepts, issues, and theories;
3) Display an ability to interpret and use relevant evidence, including statistical data and analysis;
4) Show analytical and problem solving skills by applying academic knowledge to a specific event genre;
5) Communicate effective/relevant arguments with logically derived conclusions.
6) Your word count should be stated at the beginning of the essay.
Additional notes
If you experience difficulties with the assignment, please do not hesitate to contact the module team to make an appointment for an individual assignment tutorial. In
addition, there are two group workshops built into the module timetable.
Academic dishonesty
Academic offences, including plagiarism, are treated very seriously in the Plymouth Business School. A student who is proven to have committed an academic offence may
be placing his or her degree in jeopardy. It is your responsibility as a student to make sure that you understand what constitutes an academic offence, and in
particular, what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Read through the information in the Faculty Undergraduate Programmes Handbook under ‘Assessment and Examinations
Offences’, including the penalties for offences. If you still do not understand what constitutes an academic offence, please consult the Student Support Office, your
personal tutor or your programme manager.