Event Principles and Practice

Event Principles and Practice

Learning Outcomes
The Purpose of this assignment is to:
1. Identify and define a marketing problem for a client and develop and design novel solutions based on sound criteria and judgement
2. To design creative and innovatory marketing solutions with minimum giuidance
3. To communicate the findings creatively and with confidence in groups, with oral, written and visual evidence.

Skills category Performance criteria Weighting
Knowledge & understanding Has demonstrated a thorough knowledge and understanding of contemporary marketing theories relevant to the client and is able to choose the most appropriate information and data to present to client.
Analysis & evaluation Has demonstrated a high level of critical appraisal and judgement in identifying current issues or problems relevant to the client needs and presented them in a logical and professional approach.

Application & problem solving Has demonstrated an ability to apply current contemporary marketing theory in offering solutions to the issues identified. Has applied selective conceptual knowledge to a practical problem/situation in order to produce valid/creative solutions that are appropriately presented to the client.
Presentation &
organisation Cogently argued within the presentation with clear evidence of team work. The presentation format must include a well selected & collated body of evidence. High levels of creativity and academically underpinned using appropriate Harvard referencing www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/citing_references/citing_refs_main.html

Please note that in accordance with the current University regulations any coursework assignments submitted after the due deadline will be regarded as ‘late’ and awarded a mark of 0%.Therefore if you are unable to submit your assignment on time due to medical or other mitigating circumstances you must complete a ‘Mitigating Circumstances’ form PRIOR to the deadlineand submit it to your Programme Leader for approval. Mitigating Circumstances forms are available from your Programmes Administrator or on-line in the ‘ST Students’ area of myBU.

Preparation and Research
You must academically underpin your work. To prepare for this assignment, you should refer to your lecture notes, and the recommended reading lists including books and journals. You should read well beyond the lecture notes. Your ability to use material not used in the lectures will gain you marks. There are a wealth of texts and sources available on the subject of Contemporary Marketing. The University’s Learning Support unit also offers advice and guidance on a number of skills that you are required to demonstrate in this report, such as essay writing, critical analysis and writing skills.

The theoretical discussion of your chosen assignment must be supported by published literature including peer reviewed journal articles as well as traditional events and management textbooks. If in doubt about how/when to reference, read the university guidelines. Referencing ‘non-academic’ Internet sites (e.g. mbaonline.com, tutor2u.net) is strictly forbidden. However, you can use the Internet for the purposes of profiling your event or to get other information not available through academic sources.

The Assignment: Format and Parameters
(Failing to comply with these will result in the loss of marks)
• The portfolio should be 5000 words long (+/- 10%) however, you need not include in your word count the title page, contents page, titles, tables, diagrams or reference list;
• The portfolio should be referenced according to the BU Harvard Referencing System;
Unit resources
Key Texts (see also Reading lists on myBU)
Brennan , R & Baines, P., 2003. Contmeporary Strategic Marketing. Basingstoke; Palgrave Macmillan.

Jackson, N., 2013. Promoting and marketing events: theory and practice. London: Routledge

Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H. and Setiawan, I., 2010. Marketing 3.0. Hoboken: N.J. Wiley.

Kurtz, D., 2013. Contemporary marketing. 16th International edition. Mason, Ohio, USA: South-Western.

Lenderman, M., 2006. Experience The Message – how experiential marketing is changing the brand
world. New York: Avalon.

Nufer, G., 2013. Ambush marketing in sport. London: Routledge.

O’Sullivan, E.L. and Spangler, K.J., 1998. Experience Marketing; strategies for the new millennium.
Pennsylvania: Venture.

Schmit, B, H., 1999. Experiential Marketing – How to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, relate to
your company and brands. New York: Free Press.

Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremier, D.D., 2012. Services marketing – Intergrating
customer focus across the firm. 2nd European Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill.


European Journal of Marketing.
Journal of Services Marketing.
Journal of Marketing.
Journal of Consumer Marketing.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour.
Journal of Advertising.
Journal of Advertising Research.
Brand Strategy.
Event Management.
Journal of Product and Brand Management.

Recommended (free) newsletter subscriptions:

http://www.brandchannel.com/home/ [Accessed 10 February 2013].
Good for both current articles and longer white papers on marketing topics. US based but covers the
entire world.

Assessment Offences including Plagiarism

The University has an Assessment Offences Policy, a copy of which can be found in MyBU. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with this policy. If an offence is suspected, you may be subject to the procedures outlined in the policy. You are especially reminded of the importance of referencing your work properly and of the potential consequences of plagiarism. If you have any queries regarding Assessment Offences Policy you should speak to your Year Tutor.
Copyright Compliance

A reminder that when making copies at the University, you must comply with copyright law.
The Copyright Compliance Web pages (http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/copyright.html) offer guidance on what you can copy, or you can pick up a leaflet in the Library.