Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-Based Practice

Identify an article that describes a study conducted in your area of emphasis. The study should
feature research on an effective practice teachers should be using to address instructional, behavioral, social/emotional, attention, or
similar needs in the educational setting in which you work or plan to work (Middle School).

For example, as a high school special education teacher, I might identify the following article:

Palmer, S. B., Wehmeyer, M. L., Davies, D. K., & Stock, S. E. (2012). Family members’ reports of the technology use of family
members with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56, 402-414.

Next, read the article to gain an understanding of the study. Make certain the study is focused on the content you teach or wish to
teach, and includes students at the age level you are interested in and components similar to your interest. The evidence-based
practice and study DOES have to include students with disabilities. The purpose of this exercise is that you gain an understanding of
what works in your area of expertise.

Page minimum summary of the article

Your summary should include the following:

1) Information about the study

2) The research question;

3) The number of participants included in the study and their general demographics (e.g., grade, age);

4) Description of the intervention;

5) Summary of the results; and

6) General discussion of what this study means to your area of content instruction (e.g., physical education, music therapy).

Your summary must be in APA format and double-spaced.

Your summary must include an APA-aligned reference of the study selected.

Part 2 – A narrated presentation

Your narrated presentation should:

1) Walk through the article, the findings, and how you see this to be applicable to your classroom/professional needs;

2) Be creative.

The only reference needed is the article you find that fits the criteria for this assignment. It needs to be about Middle school working with kids with disabilities (ASD, Downs Syndrome, ex..)

For part 2, just write out the presentation as I will use that to make a visual presentation after this is complete.