Group Observation and Analysis Paper

Group Observation and Analysis Paper

In this assignment, you will conduct a group observation in an effort to name and label various components of group dynamics and individual behaviors. You can expect

to observe and describe the group’s norms, sometimes called unwritten rules of the group, which are formed quickly during the meeting. You need to observe the group

and label various components of the decision-making process and problem-solving strategies being used by the group.
You will be able to identify how you would intervene, as a facilitator, to either keep the group on track or provide positive feedback to the group when the group is

working well. The most important observation you will make is whether the group is functioning in a manner that is helping or hurting its effort to attain its goals.

Components    Proficiency

Describe the group’s agenda, norms, decision-making process, problem-solving strategies, and members’ roles.

CO: 1
PO: 1, 4, 8
Description of the group’s agenda, norms, decision-making process, problem-solving strategies, and members’ roles is clear and complete. Many examples are given.

Reliable resources are used in support.

Critique the group’s functioning. Explain whether it was an effective group and how it’s functioning promotes or interferes with achieving its goals.

CO: 1, 2
PO: 1, 3, 4, 8
Critique of the group’s functioning is logical and insightful. Explanation of whether the group is effective and how its functioning promotes or interferes with

goal achievement is clear and correct. Many examples are given. Scholarly resources are utilized in support.

Determine how you would intervene as a facilitator.

CO: 1, 2
PO: 1, 3, 4, 8
Determination of how one would intervene as a facilitator is clear and logical. Many examples are given. Scholarly resources are utilized in support.

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display

accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and

attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.