The figure below gives data on solar radiation (SRD) and concentration of dimethylsulfide (DMS) over a region of the Mediterranean. The correlation is= 0.969.Explain in simple language why knowing only these correlations enables you to say that prediction of DMS from SRD by a regression line will be much more accurate than prediction of a golfer’s second-round score from his first-round score. (Select all that apply.)1. The fraction of the variation in the observed values ofexplained by the least-squares regression ofonis given by. The higher this fraction, the less likely that the prediction is accurate.2. The fraction of the variation in the observed values ofexplained by the least-squares regression ofonis given by. The higher this fraction, the more likely that the prediction is accurate.3. The fraction of the variation in the observed values ofexplained by the least-squares regression ofonis given by. The higher this fraction, the more likely that the prediction is accurate.4. The fraction of the variation in the observed values ofexplained by the least-squares regression ofonis given by. The higher this fraction, the less likely that the prediction is accurate.5. Whenis closer to 1 or ?1, the points in the scatterplot fall closer to the regression line, therefore predictions based on this line are more accurate.