In economics, of all new products put on the market, 60% failed and are taken off the marketwithin 2 years. Suppose a store introduces 80 new products

In economics, of all new products put on the market, 60% failed and are taken off the marketwithin 2 years. Suppose a store introduces 80 new products. We would like to use the normalapproximation for the binomial distribution.e) What is the probability that within 2 years more than 62 will fail without correction for continuity and whith correction for continutiy?f) What is the probability that within 2 yrs 60 or less will fail without correction for continuity and with correction for continuity?np=48 and the squar root of npq=4.38The prof didn’t give an answer to either on the key. I gote) P=1-0.9985=0.0015, and then for the second part I got that P=1-0.9990=0.001f) 0.9969 and 0.9978Can anyone check my work, because I feel like it’s wrong. Thanks!

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