International Trade Project – Foster’s Group nternational Trade Project
(a) Your organisation or
(b) Another organisation to which you can gain access.
Detail the evolution of trade policy in both your home country and overseas countries that have affected the level/ability of your organisation and industry to conduct
international trade.
– If your organisation operates in multiple industries select the largest industry
– If your organisation trades in multiple countries limit your report to a maximum of 2
overseas countries.
Included in the above, with an emphasis on the current environment, provide?
_ A critical examination of any preferential regional and bilateral agreements that
will impact on the total exports/imports;
_ A comprehensive review of tariff and nontariff barriers;
_ A statistical analysis of the impact of the international trade on the Balance of
Payments, Foreign Direct Investment, GDP, foreign exchange conditions and any
other analysis you consider relevant.
Looking at the environment you are researching?
_ What are the possible future trends in international trade ? defend your position
using theory and real world practice as detailed in the International Trade course
and case studies;
_ Prepare a set of recommendations for protecting your industry/organisation?s
competitive position in the local market and for improving the export and/or
import performance of your product(s). The measures proposed will relate to
actions which can be undertaken at both government and company level.
Word limit: The project length limit is 3,500 words, exclusive of appendices and/or
attachments. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit unreasonably. This word limit excludes any table of contents, footnotes or endnotes, repeating of the
questions or supporting information you may include in any attachment or appendices. Be aware though that your mark will be based entirely on the first 3,500 words
that the marker has to read.
Therefore do not leave in an attachment, appendix or annexure anything that you require to answer the question. Attachments and appendices should only be used to
offer detail not essential to the argument.
The aims of the project are to:
??enable you to choose and customise the project to your own needs and situation
??develop analytical and problem solving skills relating to performance and productivity issues in international organisations
??apply the course?s concepts, frameworks and techniques to an organisational setting
??develop various data gathering and synthesising skills
??develop a ?systems? approach to problem-solving