Interpersonal Communication

Step 1:
1. Choose one of the above-named major interpersonal factors for in-depth study. You may also choose a subtopic or subsidiary area of one of these major topics, either one mentioned in your textbook or one that you generate that you want to explore more fully.

2. Formulate an appropriate research question (i.e., What question are you trying to answer with your final project?). Be very specific and clear!

3. Determine your research method(s) and approach.

4. Develop a hypothesis (i.e., What do you think you might find as a result of your research?). Have some expectations of what you may find, but be careful not to let them become a self-fulfilling prophecy (i.e., seeing only what you expect or want to see).

5. Write a brief proposal (250–400 words) in which you:
1. Present the question you are trying to answer.
2. Indicate your research methods and approach.
3. State your informal research hypothesis.

Step 2:
1. Research your chosen topic. Use in your research at least three but no more than five sources; some of your information will come from your own observations. You might observe and research interpersonal behavior in a particular ethnic or religious group, or even the military (if you are not already a part of the military). How are things the same and different in that group or setting? Be careful to ask and answer a very specific question or a few questions. Don’t deal in “glittering generalities!”
2. Write a 7–10 page paper on your research question(s). Be sure to use headings for each individual subtopic. Also, be sure to give the sources for your research in the paper (when you use someone else’s material) and include a bibliography at the end of your paper. Remember that "a short paper is harder to write than a long one," so focus closely on the question you’ve asked, and get to the point as directly as possible!