What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century? How does this
influence what students and their teachers do in the primary school
literacy classroom?


Your task is to write an annotated bibliography that provides a brief
overview of literature on the topic above. You are required to summarise
the content of 8 sources (6 essential readings listed below, and 2 of
your own choice), and assess the value of each source for addressing the
above topic questions.


In your assignment,

1. Briefly introduce the topic that the sources cover (~ 100-150 words).

2. The main part of your assignment should consist of your bibliographic
entries, listed in alphabetical order. Include 8 entries – 6 essential
readings listed below, and two (2) relevant readings of your own choice
(~ 100-150 words per entry on average).

Each entry should consist of:

a. The full reference for the source, written in APA style

b. The annotation, which includes:

i. A short statement which identifies the focus or purpose of the author;

ii. A short summary of the theory, research findings or arguments
presented by the author;

iii. Brief comments on the usefulness and/or limitations of the source
for addressing the topic.

3. Write a brief conclusion which summarises the key issues that have
emerged in your reading and thinking about the topic, and how they
relate to teaching practice (~ 100-150 words).

Writing guide and examples for annotated bibliography

You will find some examples and helpful tips for this writing this
assignment in the ASO fact sheet for writing an annotated bibliography

Essential readings (from prescribed texts and eReserve)

ACARA. (2009). Shape of the Australian Curriculum: English. Available

Christie, F. (2005). Language and Literacy. In Language education in the
primary years (pp. 1-12). Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.

Gee, J. P. (1991). What is literacy? In C. Mitchell & K. Weiler
(Eds.), Rewriting literacy (pp. 3-11). New York: Bergin & Garvey.

McDonald, L. (2012). Literature and context. In A literature companion
for teachers (pp.33-46). Newtown, NSW: Primary English Teaching
Association Australia.

Tompkins, G., Campbell, R., & Green, D. (2012). Becoming an
effective teacher of language, literature and literacy Literacy for the
21st Century: A balanced approach (pp. 2-32). Australia: Pearson.

Unsworth, L. (2001). Changing dimensions of school literacies. In L.
Unsworth (Ed.), Teaching multiliteracies across the curriculum: Changing
contexts of text and image in classroom practice (pp. 1-20). Milton
Keynes: Open University Press.

Additional readings: You need to select 2 additional readings on the
topic to include in your annotated bibliography. You may find other
useful materials listed on the List of Resources for this unit.
Additional resources are available from the Dixson Library collection.
If you are studying at a distance, materials may be accessed through
eReserve and the library’s electronic databases. These can be downloaded
and saved onto your computer for reading offline, (or printing where


Education assignments should use the APA (American Psychological
Association) style of referencing. You can find specific guidelines for
how to present your in-text references and the Reference list on the ASO
(Academic Skills Office) referencing page at

Follow the guidelines carefully as you need to attend to details such as
the information required and the order in which you document this, as
well as very specific uses of punctuation, capitalisation, and italics
specified by this style. The APA guide can be downloaded from