Management Theory and Practice
Assignment 1:
Environmental analysis (20%)
Assessment Item No. 1
Assessment name: Environmental Analysis
Description: You will analyse the operating
environment of the Virgin airlines as the case
study for assessment 2.
Length/Duration: 1000 words
Criteria High Distinction (7)(85%+)
Distinction (6) (75-84%) Credit (5) (65-
Pass (4) (50-64%) Fail (less than
4) (0-49%)
Assurance of Learning Goal 1.1: Well-researched
knowledge and critical understanding applied to
issues at the forefront of a specialised
discipline area
Knowledge and application of environmental
analysis model or framework
(5 marks)
Comprehensive knowledge and application
of an environmental analysis model or framework
which gives a clear picture of the
organisation’s external operating environment
Knowledge and application of an
environmental analysis model or framework gives
a mostly clear picture of the organisation’s
external operating environment
Some knowledge and application of an
environmental analysis model or framework is
evident which gives a general picture of the
organisation’s external operating environment
Minimal knowledge and application of an
environmental analysis model or framework which
gives a basic picture of the organisation’s
external operating environment
Little or no knowledge and application
of an environmental analysis model or framework
which does not give a clear picture of the
organisation’s external operating environment
Assurance of Learning Goal 2.1: Apply logical,
critical and creative thinking and judgement to
generate appropriate solutions to problems in
the disciplinary context
Analysis of chosen organisation’s external
operating environment
(10 marks)
Insightful analysis of organisation’s
external operating environment that could
effectively be used to provide options for
future strategic decision making An
analysis is given, that is mostly insightful, of
the organisation’s external operating
environment that could effectively be used to
provide options for future strategic decision
making An overall analysis is given of
organisation’s external operating environment
that could be used to provide options for future
strategic decision making A beginning
attempt has been made to analyse the
organisation’s external operating environment
but it could have been further developed; it
provides only a partial basis for provision of
options for future strategic decision making
Little or no analysis of organisation’s
external operating environment is given, or the
analysis lacks insight, with little or no basis
for providing options for future strategic
decision making
Assurance of Learning Goal 3.1: Ability to
create and present professional documents and/or
reports using high levels of
analysis/synthesis/evaluation for a range of
contexts and audiences
Written communication
(5 marks)
Analysis is professionally presented
with consistently clear meaning and logical
structure; written expression is fluent and
there is a high level of attention to detail
including grammar, syntax and spelling. Analysis
is professionally presented with clear meaning
and logical structure; written expression is
fluent and there is attention to detail
including grammar, syntax and spelling. Analysis
mostly meets professional standards of
presentation with overall meaning clear and a
mostly logical structure; written expression is
mostly fluent and there is some attention to
detail including grammar, syntax and spelling.
Analysis shows some elements of
professional presentation, with intended meaning
discernible despite some lack of clarity and a
basic attempt at a logical structure; some
lapses in fluency, grammar, spelling and syntax.
Analysis is not professionally presented and
lacks clarity and structure; use of language
fails to make meaning clear; numerous
grammatical and spelling errors indicate lack of
editing and proof-reading.
Assessment Item No. 2
Assessment name: Case Study
Description: You will analyse integrate and
apply your understanding of the management
theories covered during the semester in
appraising the management of the organisation
whose operating environment was examined in
Length/Duration: 3,000 words