Opiate safety in clinical practice

Opiate safety in clinical practice
You should find a gap from literature review; you should fill in the gap in the project.
Why you write a research proposal? What do you include in the proposal?
A report to convince others
– You have a project worth undertaking.
– You have a plan action.
– You have the necessary competency to undertake it.
It must address:
– What you plan to accomplish.
– Why you want to do the projects.
– Methods you are going to use.
– Ethical issues.
– How you intend to analyse the data.
– How the results will be disseminated & implications for practice.
Research Proposal Structure:
* Aims and objectives.
* Description of proposal work.
– summary of literature review &justification of proposal work.
– research hypothesis or assumptions as appropriate.
* breief methods to be used.
– Inclusion /Exclusion Criteria.
– setting.
– who will take part /proposed number of participants.
* Ethical issues.
* Data analysis method.
Results &discussion:
Expected outcomes /anticipated benefits.
Timeline for the project:
Reflect limited time for data collection &overall project plan.
How will others hear about your significant addition to a body of knowledge?
– All materials referred to must be included.
– Must be accurate. ? Plagiarism.

Instructions for proposal:
Research proposal consist of 10 parts. I will upload a template to fill it with the following.
1. part one: Technical abstract (150 words) abstract in scientific words,
Provide a summary of the work to be performed and its justification.
Should include:
? Introduction and justification.
? Aims and objectives.
? Methodology and statistics.
? Expected outcome/ anticipated benefits.
part 2: Simplified abstract (150 words ? in a form suitable for a 14 year old)
Produce a more simplified summary suitable for a 14 year old to understand
Should include:
? Introduction and justification.
? Aims.
? General review of methods.
? Relevance to general public.
ABSTRACT: should be
1- Summary of write up.
2- Clear & comprehensive enough.
3- usually the last section to be written.

Part 3: 3. Literature review/ background (1500 words)
This part has been done by you recently; you will just copy and paste it after your amendment.
part 4: Scientific Hypothesis and Aims (250 words)
Provide your scientific hypothesis and the aims and objectives of the research.
3?4 key words
basic research question.
My Aim: To examine the patterns, themes and trends related to opiate drug incidents from the published literature and to compare and contrast the findings with that from actual clinical incidents from the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, with a view to producing recommendations for safer clinical practice.
my Objectives:
1. To determine/describe the most common themes of types of incidents involving opiates.
2. To determine/describe the severity or clinical impact of incidents involving opiates.
3. To develop recommendations for reducing the number of incidents.
4. To develop recommendations for reducing the clinical impact of incidents.
part 5: Programme Strategy and Methodology (1500 words)
Provide details on the methodologies to be used. Where possible include specific tasks linked together to form a final project (see timeline table). Attempt to identify risks associated with the research and how they can be mitigated/overcome. Provide details on the statistical design of the research in order to optimise the quality of the data produced. Explain any ethical or confidentiality issues that are relevant.
my Methodology Following the initial literature review, clinical incident data from Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust covering a 1 year period will be obtained. This data will be related to incidents where an opiate has been involved.
An appropriately authorised member of the Trust staff will obtain permission from the Trust?s Risk and Patient Safety Department to access data from the incident database. This data will be anonamised so that individual patients or staff members cannot be identified. The data will then be analysed to compare/contrast it with the patterns/themes/trends and severity of incidents described in the published literature.
The researcher will from the above analysis attempt to draw out clear recommendations for improved clinical practice.
Inclusion criteria all incidents reported into the Trust database involving opiates.
No particular statistical tests. Main data will be simple figures or %. Most of the analyses will involve a qualitative, comparative analysis of patterns/themes involved in incidents.
part 6: no need to do it.
part 7:also no need to do it.
part 8:Ethical issues ; An appropriately authorized member of the Trust staff will obtain permission from the Trust?s Risk and Patient Safety Department to access data from the incident database. This data will be anonymized so that individual patients or staff members cannot be incidents.
part 9: Academic, economic and societal Impact (maximum of 200) words. Describe who might benefit from the research and how they might benefit. This could include anybody from patients, related and unrelated scientific communities and the population in general.
It might be: safe management of clinical practice, general recommendations for patient safety and so on.
part 10: Pathways to Impact (maximum of 200 words) Describe how the results of the research could be exploited and how they will be disseminated to the scientific community and the general public, e.g. networking events, workshops, publications, public engagement or training and etc. Provide specific references to how the research may be commercially exploited, if appropriate.
for e.g 1- It might we can find ,reach clear recommendations published widely. i.e a view to producing recommendations for safer clinical practice.
Especially if good enough published in scientific journal.
2- Identify errors, harms and deaths related to opiates errors in clinical practice, try to avoid, prevent them happening in the future.
Finally put all references: Literature Review References and any other references that might be used for methodology or any other part of this proposal..