People can become obsessed with body weight and diets nowadays, and becausethe media are insistent on ramming ridiculous images of stick-thin celebrities downinto our eyes and brainwashing us into believing that these emaciated corpses areactually attractive, we all end up terribly depressed that we are not perfect. Thisgives evil corporate types the opportunity to jump on our vulnerability by makingloads of money on diets that will apparently help us attain the body beautiful. Well,not wishing to miss out on this great opportunity to exploit people?s insecurities, Dr.Evil came up with his own diet called the ?Evil Diet?. The basic principle is that youeat like him: you eat one lean meat (4 oz), eat greens (8 oz), drink lots of Darjeelingtea and water, and eat the nutrition bar and shakes Dr. Evil created five times perday. To test the efficacy of his wonderful new diet, he took 10 participants whoconsidered themselves to be in need to losing weight and put them on this diet fortwo months. Their weight was measured in Kilograms at the start of the diet andthen after 1 month and 2 months. Here are the data:A.) Using SPSS analyze the data using an alpha of .05. (Free trial of SPSS here: Give and interpret the effect size for each main effect and the interaction. Please use sentences in proper form. Thank you!