PHP/Facebook Assignment

PHP/Facebook Assignment
Project description
Your assignment brief is to make a Website App for Facebook using the PHP API.
The exact set of functions performed by your Application is left up to you. You may choose to make the ‘Wedding Photo App’, a variation on this, or you may choose to make another application entirely. However, you will get marks for including (and demonstrating) the following types of functions:
a) Successfully inviting Facebook users to join your application
b) Allowing Facebook users to log into your application, to make something happen (that couldn’t happen unless they logged into your application)
c) Making use of persistent data in your application. This could include, for example, the list of Facebook users who have joined your application, and also other data and information, as you require. It can be stored in a database, such as MySQL, or indeed files in text, xml or json data formats stored in the (non-www-part of your) studentnet web server.
d) Any other form of interaction using the PHP Facebook API

CI 6110 (Programming III):
PHP/Facebook Assignment and Presentation
This is a summative assessment (it does count towards your final mark)
You must submit your assignment via studyspace and then present it
Final Deadline: Thursday March 20th (with presentations on Friday 21st)
Your assignment brief is to make a Website App for Facebook using the PHP API.
The exact set of functions performed by your Application is left up to you. You may choose to make the ‘Wedding Photo App’, a variation on this, or you may choose to make another application entirely. However, you will get marks for including (and demonstrating) the following types of functions:
a) Successfully inviting Facebook users to join your application
b) Allowing Facebook users to log into your application, to make something happen (that couldn’t happen unless they logged into your application)
c) Making use of persistent data in your application. This could include, for example, the list of Facebook users who have joined your application, and also other data and information, as you require. It can be stored in a database, such as MySQL, or indeed files in text, xml or json data formats stored in the (non-www-part of your) studentnet web server.
d) Any other form of interaction using the PHP Facebook API
There are a total of 150 Marks (15% of module total) available for the assignment and the presentation. These will be assigned as follows:
For the Assignment: 100 marks (10% of module total). These marks will be assigned through a combination of presentation, discussion, and also inspection of your dropbox submission.
User Story: 15 marks. Some text, not more than a page, that describes ‘the user story’: what are the various users’ goals, and how do they achieve them? Does what you’ve written make sense, both from the perspective of the users, and the developers?
Understanding: 20 marks. Do you know your way round your own source code?
Ambition: 30 marks. How far have you pushed the boat out? What interesting functionality have you been able to incorporate?
Implementation: 35 marks. Can you demonstrate it working?
For the presentation:50 marks (5% of module total). These marks will be assigned on the basis of your presentation, as follows:
Substance: 30 marks. How informative was your presentation, and answers to questions? You should introduce your application, and give a demonstration of what it can do, in 5 minutes.
Style: 20 marks. This presentation and demonstration is typical of activities that occur in both interviews and in the workplace. It is useful to practice a clear, communicative style that engages the audience.
The studyspacedropboxwill close at 23:00 on Thursday 20th March. You are expected to submit a zip file containing:
– PHP Source code and any other development artifacts (e.g. data files, JavaScript source code, 3rd party libraries)
– Single text file containing the user story or stories.
Presentations will take place on Friday 21st March. You will be invited to sign up to a timetable of presentations.