Project Risk Management Synaptic Case Study

Project Risk Management Synaptic Case Study

Kendrick, Chapter 4 ?Identifying Project Schedule Risk?
? PMBOK Guide, 5th edition (2013), Ch.11 pp.328-335.
? Heldman, 7th edition (2013): pp.164-191 and pp.269-280.
Session 5 Readings:
? Kendrick, Chapter 5 ?Identifying Project Resource Risk?
? PMBOK Guide, 5th edition (2013): Ch.5 "Project Scope Mgt.", pp.123-127 and Ch.11 ?Project Risk Management?, pp.294-301.
? Heldman (2013), Ch.6. ?Risk Planning? pp.260-268.
Session 6 Readings:
? Kendrick, Chapter 6 ?Managing Project Constraints and Documenting Risks?
? PMBOK Guide, 5th edition (2013): Ch 4 ?Project Integration Management? pp.79-90 and Ch.11 ?Project Risk Management?, pp.330-336.
Heldman, K. (2011). PMP: Project management professional exam study guide (6th ed.). Kindle Edition. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kendrick, T. (2009). Identifying and managing project risk: Essential tools for failure-proofing
your project (2nd ed.). Kindle Edition. New York, NY: AMACOM.
Project Management Institue. (2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) (5th ed.). Kindle Edition. Newton Square, PA: Project Management Institue, Inc.

PAPER GRADE Use of Risk Management
Citations and Reference Format Content/Case Analysis Utilization of Risk Analysis in case Comments
13.5-15 points Addressed readings from Sessions 1-7especially those from Session 4-7 on documenting risks, resource risks, outsourcing and estimating risk identification, and quantifying and analyzing risks ? at least 5-7 sources cited and used appropriately (The case counts as only one citation no matter how many times cited) Correct
APA Style utilized in citations throughout the paper and references Risk management methods and tools studied weeks 4-7 are explained, discussed and demonstrated Clear examples from Synaptic case in which risk identification processes, tools and methods could be used by Project Managers
12-13.4 points Analysis of risk mgt. processes and methods discussed but did not utilize 5-7 readings and/or PMBOK Guide readings on risk identification Some references not formatted using APA style in body of paper Content of case analyzed clearly but risk methods, tools or processes not recommended to address key risk junctures in the case Project management methods of risk analysis recommended but not described or explained clearly
10-11.9 points Misunderstood scope and scheduling risk analysis and methods Unclear on use of APA format in paper and full References Misunderstanding of how risk management processes are utilized; methods not cited nor discussed relating to case issues in mgt. Risk analysis methods studied Weeks 4-6 were not in alignment with issues discussed in the case study
10 points or below Did not articulate methods of risk analysis, identification or scope/scheduling risks studied Did not use APA Style properly throughout paper Lack of clarification in describing methods studied Weeks 4-6 Risk methods and processes were not described clearly based on case study project mgt. issues