Prostate Cancer.

Prostate Cancer.


Individual Annotated Bibliography (Word limit = 1250 words +/- 10%)
This assessment is worth 25 marks and involves each group member individually completing an annotated bibliography for the illness they are researching. This assignment is designed to give you experience in locating and critiquing relevant research literature. You will each choose 5 different journal published research study articles that relate to the behavioural, psychological, and emotional components (not the physiology or pharmacology) of the group’s chosen illness they are researching.
In order to complete the annotated bibliography you will need to:
o • locate relevant journal published research study articles (these articles need to have been written
after 1994 and does NOT include general literature review articles);
o • choose the 5 articles that best relate to your case study patient and/or their family. This means that
you will likely have to review at least twice as many articles as this to find the most relevant 5 articles;
o • outline and summarise the main topics of the article, methodology, results, and conclusions for each
of the articles;
o • provide a brief critique of each of the studies (e.g. limitations and weaknesses);
o • discuss how each of the articles explicitly relates to the case study patient and/or their family (e.g. how
does it explain or describe what is happening for the patient/family?)
Please takes note on the following: All articles chosen are highly relevant to the case study.
1) Summaries main topics, methodology, results, and conclusions of each article: All annotations include a comprehensive summary of the main topics, methodology, results, and conclusions of the articles.
2) Provides a critique of each article: Clearly identifies and articulates almost all of the studies’ main limitations and weaknesses.
3) Application to the case study: Clearly identifies the explicit connections between the chosen articles to the case study patient/family for all articles.
4) APA format: No errors in APA (6th edition) format.
5) Fluency and style of writing: Free from spelling and/or grammatical errors. Clear and effective language used throughout the annotated bibliography. Content flows smoothly and logically.