public health interligence

public health interligence

Epidemiological report
Write a short report on the epidemiology of a particular cause of mortality or morbidity.
Include and explain prevalence or incidence of the disease or condition. You should use a well-known data source such as Demographic Health Survey (DHS) mortality or morbidity statistics for your data. You are also expected to refer to other relevant literature, as appropriate, to complement the data you are using. Provide a critical discussion of the strengths and limitations of the SECONDARY data sources you have used e.g. how the data was collected, whom by, sampling frame, sample size, inclusion / exclusion criteria, population size, missing data, data manipulation, bias, generalisability. At least one table that you have created yourself in Word;
? At least one graph that you have created yourself in Excel;
? At least one graphic relevant to your report that you have obtained from another source, properly inserted and clearly labelled;
? A confidence interval with interpretation (This could be of a mean, proportion, or SMR, etc. You do not necessarily have to calculate this yourself; you may quote a published example but the interpretation must be yours.); A confidence interval interpretation (This could be a mean, proportion, or SMR, etc, you do not necessarily have to calculate this yourself; you may quote a published example but the interpretation must be yours);
A correlation co-efficient, OR hypothesis test; (eg Chi- Square or t-test) with interpretation, ideally supported by a scatter-plot OR a bivariate analysis using t-test or Chi-square test, with results and interpretation (again, you do not necessarily have to calculate this yourself. You may quote a published example but the interpretation must be yours).
Some critical discussion of the strengths and limitations of the data sources you have used, including discussion of any other information sources that would have helped with the exercise.
Please note: the unit coordinator/examiners reserve the right to ask you to provide a copy of the data source(s) you have used, if required.
Assessment Strategy

The assessment strategy highlights the unit learning outcomes (see your unit
guide/course handbook). The emphasis is on understanding and interpretation. Marks are also allocated for evidence of ICT skills. You must ensure that your report follows a logical structure. Make sure your meaning is clear, check the spelling and grammar, and reference your arguments using the Harvard system.
The purpose of the report is to allow you to demonstrate your attainment of the learning outcomes of the unit, through the application of the public health intelligence concepts, principles and techniques learnt.

Word Allowance for this Assessment
The word allowance for this epidemiological report is 2,500 words
 A margin of 10% more or less than the word allowance is allowed without penalty.
 All words used in the assignment (Introduction, Body and Conclusion) are included in the word count. It is normal for the computer to ?count? all words including tables, diagrams, references in the text and direct quotes.
 The word limit does not include the reference list, or appendices.
 You should state the word count at the end of the assignment after the conclusion

If an assignment presented for marking falls outside these guidelines, the marking team may downgrade the assignment
Writing Style
Writing in the first person, that is using the word ?I?, is ONLY acceptable for reflective accounts or case studies. All other work must be written and submitted using the third person method. Please ask the unit teaching team for further advice on how to write in the third person.
Guidelines for Presenting Written Assignments

The following guidelines should be followed:
? all written assignments must be word processed / typed
? the recommended font style is New Times Roman 12 or Arial 11.
? use line spacing of 1.5 throughout.
? use A4 size white paper
? number each page clearly
? the Unit title and Student ID must be included as either a header or footer on every page (except front page)
? create margins of at least 2.5cm on all sides of each page.
? the title page should contain your ID, the name of the University, the name of your course, the unit code / title and the title of the assessment
? provide a contents page and use section headings if appropriate.
? start the reference list on a new page and adhere to Harvard referencing guidelines
? number any appendices for ease of cross referencing and ensure that they are referred to in the text by the relevant number
? a high standard of presentation is expected and this includes accurate referencing, attention to layout, grammar and spelling.