Reading Analyze

Reading Analyze


Purpose: To demonstrate and apply several of the many small group and organizational communication concepts and principles that have been discussed in class and the textbook.
Assignment: For this assignment, you will be analyzing an organizational communication case study that illustrates many of the ideas we have covered in class. This particular case study is about a banking professional who has recently joined a struggling organization and her challenges taking on a leadership role. Follow the steps below to complete your paper:
1.) Summarize the case study in a paragraph or less. Do not spend a lot of time/space on the summary, the bulk of your paper needs to be your original analysis.
2.) Discuss the characteristics of the organization present in the case study (i.e. goal oriented, structured, informed etc.)
3) Analyze the theory of organizational communication (e.g. classical, humanistic or systems) that you think best describes the organization in the case study.
4.) Describe how conflict is handled within the organization.
5.) Analyze the leadership in the organization (both the previous leadership and the leadership role that Fuller is trying to take).
6.) Drawing from your text and notes, what suggestions or recommendations might you have for the organization and the main character in the case study?
Mechanics: Your written analysis should be 5-7 pages in length (not including the references). All papers must be typed (12-point font), double-spaced, stapled, numbered and have one-inch margins. At the top of the first page, include your name and the course information, a cover page in not needed. Use BOLD FONT to identify the concepts used in the paper. To avoid the appearance of plagiarism, cite all sources (lecture, textbook, media text etc.) and include a reference list.
include the following dimensions:
Evidence of reading: Write for a na?ve reader; do not assume that the reader is familiar with the content
Understanding of course material: Sufficient coverage of text and lecture materials
Specific application of the concepts: Use bold font to identify the concept that you discuss in the paper
Critical analysis and insight
Helpful and relevant recommendations
Clear introduction, body and conclusion
Preview of main points and summary
Smooth transitions
Clear organizing patterns (e.g. chronological, topical, etc.)
Clear development of ideas
Technical Writing
Sentence Structure
Spelling and word choice
Correct citations and references (papers submitted without citations/references will not be graded). See below for complete case study citation.
Headings (recommended)
Case Study Citation for Bibliography:
Houser, M. L., & Sheil, A. (2006). Communicating and leading change in organizations. In J. Keyton & P. Shockley-Zalabak, (Eds.), Case Studies for organizational communication: Understanding communication processes (2nd ed., pp. 56- 63). New York: Oxford University Press.