Requirements are 1 current scholarly peer reviewed references for each question;

Requirements are 1 current scholarly peer reviewed references for each question; each reference is to have a corresponding in-text citation, APA formatting and information that supports the discussion and a minimum of 183 words each question (this is excluding the references). Absolutely no more than 10% of each response can be cited. Be sure to include the essential APA elements per the 6th Edition (do not you first person, third person, or past tense). Please note each question needs to be answered separately, and please place the question and then the response below.
Here’s an example:
There are three types of qualitative designs ethnography, phenomenology, and grounded theory. The design type that would best fit at my facility is that of phenomenology. This type of design seeks to examine peoples’ life experience and the essence of the phenomena (Polit & Beck, 2012). My facility is a busy level one-trauma center in Phoenix, which serves acutely ill patients, and their families in traumatic life events. An example of how this design type would research the phenomena in this facility is to examine the experience of patient’s family in the care of patients in traumatic arrest while in the emergency department. In a recent study by Hung and Pang (2011) a phenomenological approach was used to examine the experiences of family members presence during resuscitation in an emergency department in Hong Kong. The aim was to observe their experiences in this crisis dealing with their loved ones.
Hung, M. Y., & Pang, S. C. (2011). Family presence preference when patients are receiving
resuscitation in an accident and emergency department. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
67(1), 56-67
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for
nursing practice (9th ed.). Retrieved from University of Phoenix
Topic 1 Triangulation
1. Could you please share an example of a mixed-methods nursing research study from the UOPX library that uses triangulation?
Topic 2 Barriers to Evidence Based Practice

2. What do you think about conducting a study that examines nurses attitudes about evidence-based practice? Here’s a possible question: What is the relationship between evidence based practice and age, nursing experience and level of nursing education?

3. I read an interesting study by Brown, Ecoff, Kim, Wickline….and Glaser (2010) who examined barriers to implementing evidence-based practice. The findings were unexpected. What do you think?

Brown, C., Ecoff, L., Kim, S., Wickline, M., Rose, B., Klimpel, K., & Glaser, D. (2010). Multi-institutional study of barriers to research utilisation and evidence-based practice among hospital nurses. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 19(13/14), 1944-1951. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03184.x