Skill for researchings

Skill for researchings

One important skill for researching topics and preparing to write academic texts is the ability to outline and organise information into different levels of importance. This skill is especially important when reading and interpreting texts as it allows the reader to readily identify the most salient ideas and arguments rather than trying to remember extensive sections of discussion.
On the “Formal Submission” due date, students will be allotted 45 minutes to work in groups and take turns presenting their text. Each student will spend about ten minutes sharing the main points of the text and clarifying any questions posed by the group members. Within the groups, students will allocate a time-keeper to ensure each student has the full allotted time (i.e. 10 minutes) to present his/her text.
The collaborative group aspect of this assignment requires a high code of personal responsibility. If a student does not expertly read and outline the text for the tutorial presentation, he/she will disadvantage the other group members. Therefore, student attendance and promptness are paramount and no late assignments will be accepted. Further, students must attend their assigned tutorial to present their text to the collective.
Note: Students must bring enough hard copies of their reading outline to distribute to each group member and the tutor.

Model Jigsaw Outline:
Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2012. The right person for the job: The relevance of
qualifications to employment. Viewed 10 January 2014,

Key terms:
Job-matching—the relevance of employees’ educational qualifications to their current employment (also “mismatching”; p. 3)
Qualification Relevance—refers to the degree of “job-matching” an employee demonstrates through alignment of their educational qualifications to their field of employment (p. 9)
Higher education—non-school qualifications including Postgraduate, Graduate Diploma, Graduate certificate and Bachelor level (p. 9)
Vocational qualification—education “oriented toward gaining occupation-specific knowledge and skills” (p. 5) at the “Advanced diploma and diploma level, and Certificates I-IV levels” (p. 9).
Central claim/focus: Education prepares individuals for the workplace by equipping individuals with “the skills necessary for employment and life-long learning”. This report examines the correlation between education qualifications and occupation field, investigating the degree of job-matching according to the variables of age and sex, hours worked…
1. Age & Sex
a. Men in the “middle age” range (i.e. 25-54 years) are more likely (i.e. 81%) to achieve education-occupation alignment than those in the younger range (i.e. 20-24 years’ 71%) and the older range (i.e. 55-64 years; 72%; i.e. in 2010-2011; p. 4).
b. In contrast, women’s age has little effect on their rate of alignment (i.e. 79%; p. 4).
2. Hours worked
a. Individuals employed “full time” have higher rates of qualification-occupation alignment (p. 5).
i. 82% of “full-time” employees report occupation-qualification alignment (p. 5)
ii. 71% of “part time” employees achieve occupation-qualification alignment (p. 5)
b. Part-time female workers are more likely to be in a relevant field (i.e. 74%) than part-time male workers (59%’ p. 5).
c. Young (i.e. 20-29 years) part-time workers are the least likely to achieve occupation-qualification alignment (i.e. only 44% of young men, 66% of young women; p. 5).
Content Significance: The significance of this study is to underscore the long-term impact of educational investments and occupation alignment on Australian workers’ prosperity.
Methodology Analysis: The data in this report comes from “ABS Learning and Work, 2010-11 (cat. no. 4235.0)”; however, no explicit description of the data collection methodology is provided. Therefore, the reliability of the data in this report cannot be independently verified without further investigation.