Supply chain marketing
“Using concepts that have featured in the module, describe the journey of ONE product from production to consumption (by you).”
Wordcount allowed 600-800 words plus visuals like this one,(diagrams, tables, charts etc).The word count is strict so that you must use visuals to good effect. You should work out for yourself how you can best communicate within the limits and you may present the work in any form you wish. (visuals need not be computer generated and should not be mere copies of charts etc found on the internet or elsewhere).
Effective work will be based upon a review of all material in the module and selection of elements that help to explain why the chain is as it is. Therefore, you might look at issues which include the following:
How the pattern of demand relates to product availability.
The lead and fulfilment times.
The location of different stages in the supply chain and the location of value adding.
Likely times spent in stock, in production and where.
Flow of money and risk.
The availability of choice and management of choice.
The companies that are involved and the form of relationship between them.
You may also relate your decision to consume this particular product to features in the supply chain – what, for you, is the distinctive value proposal and how is the supply chain organised to deliver this?
In each case you should communicate what happens in the supply chain/channel and why the chain operates as it does or is designed as it is.
You are free to pick any product you wish, but you should pick a product that you think is well illuminated by thinking about the supply chain. You will be rewarded for thoughtful treatment and work that goes beyond case material used in the module.
You do not need a lot of data about your product – but you will need some. Look at how and where the product is available, check out company websites in the sector you are looking at. Look also for articles about the sector in the Financial Times, other newspapers (via database Nexis) or in the trade press (via ABI inform, select trade press only in the drop down menu). Be critical in accepting what the company says about itself – I have yet to see a company that states “we are not concerned about the ethical supply of our products”. Yet amongst those that claim to source ethically we can critically assess those claims.
Each module:
Week One: Introduction to the module and a focus upon the firm
Week Two: Extension from the firm to the chain.
Week Three: Flows of product, ownership and risk
Week Four: Marrying supply and demand by being effective or efficient
Week Five: Supply chain structures and the internationalisation of supply chains.
Week Six: The role of technology in supply chains.
Week Seven: Accessing products and services
Week Eight: Alternative ways of relating to supply chain counterparts.
Week Nine: Supply chain resilience
Workshops: Poster Sessions.
Week Ten: Module round-up