Survey design project

Survey design project


This assignment will aim to assess your knowledge and understanding of how to apply the quantitative research methods learnt during the course. You must choose one from the six survey research scenarios outline below and, for the chosen scenario, and provide short (max. 400 word) answers to four topics relating to the survey design – (1) operationalisation of the research question, (2) how to draw an appropriate sample, (3) the form of data collection, and (4) discussion of different question formats. In addition, in Part 5, you should provide examples of different question-design and wording in a questionnaire format (400 words). The questionnaire is a required part of the assignment and should be included in your project.

Below are listed six different scenarios for survey research. Each scenario consists of: a topic, the target population from which a sample is to be selected, and the method of interviewing required. You should select one scenario from the list below:


1. Attitudes towards possession of knives among young people
Target Population: 12 – 16 year old boys and girls in Salford
Type of interview: Self-completion questionnaire

2. Attitudes towards security checks in British airports among British ethnic minorities
Target Population: British ethnic minority residents in the North West
Type of interview Face-to-Face questionnaire interview

3. Patterns of holiday-making and tourism
Target population Residents of Lancashire aged over 18 years
Type of Interview Postal questionnaire

4. Online Dating
Target Population Internet Users over 18 years in the UK
Type of Interview Web based questionnaire, self completion

5. Ex-prisoners attitudes towards their prison officers
Target population Probationers in the West midlands
Type of Interview Self completion questionnaire

6. School teachers’ attitudes on the impact of Twitter in the classroom
Target population: School teachers in England and Wales
Type of Interview Telephone interview, questionnaire

You should address the following topics in relation to your chosen scenario, which cover key aspects of survey and questionnaire design. Your answers should be based on your reading and understanding of the course materials, and you will be assessed on the extent to which these are reflected in your answers.

1. Topic 1. Issues and Concepts: What are the issues and concepts that you wish to research and measure in your survey? How would you operationalise them? (max. 400 words).

2. Topic 2. Sampling: How would you select your respondents to ensure they were a representative selection from the target population? Describe the procedures you would follow for drawing your sample (max. 400 words).

3. Topic 3. Interview method Provide a justification of the appropriateness of the interview method required for your scenario. What kind of problems do you anticipate occurring with the required interview method, and what steps would you take to address them? (max. 400 words).

4. Topic 4. Question Formats.

Give a general description of each of the question formats below (4a, 4b, 4c, 4d), and describe their common uses. Give a brief description as to why the questions you have designed (as example questions) are being used in your survey in the way they are. (max. 400 words).

a) Attitudinal/behavioural choices
b) Likert-style formats – rating scales
c) Semantic differential
d) Attitude scale

5. Example questions in questionnaire format:

Design a questionnaire that includes the following question formats and include it at the end of your assignment:

a) Attitudinal/behavioural choices: 1 example for attitudinal choice, 1 example for behavioural choice

b) Likert-style formats:: 2 examples

c) Semantic differential: 1 example with 3 items

d) An attitude scale: an example consisting of four separate items measuring the same attitude.
Example questions must be listed on a separate page and not as part of your written answer to Topic 4. The format should be the usual format of a questionnaire. You can make up question content for yourselves. Alternatively, you are permitted to use questions appearing in published literature – though these should comprise no more than half of your questions, and should be fully referenced to the published source from which they are taken. Questions on demographics like age, gender, income, education etc. should not be included in this exercise. All your questions have to refer to the substantive subject matter of your research topic. (max. 400 words).

Presentation and labelling of assignment

Please ensure that you use exactly this format. You must present and label your Assignment, as follows:

Heading: Scenario Number and Title.
Topic 1: Issues and Concepts
Topic 2: Sampling
Topic 3: Interview Method
Topic 4: Question Formats
Questionnaire: Questionnaire, which must include examples of:
a) Attitudinal/Behavioural Choices
b) Likert-Style Formats
c) Semantic Differential
d) Attitude Scale

Write your answers as text; do not answer in note form.

The questionnaire is part of the assignment; failure to include it will result in a loss of marks.
When discussing any of the first four topics in the research design report you would be well advised to support your discussion with references to the relevant texts. In relation to the first topic (Issues and Concepts) you would cite literature that refers to the specific topic addressed in your chosen scenario. When referring to the other three topics, you would cite the text(s) on research methods that you have read.