This is a close reading essay that should include support from Susan Sontag’s essay “Regarding the Pain of Others.” (ESSAY ATTACHED)
Page Requirement:
3 FULL typed pages, 12 point font, Times New Roman. You MUST write at least 3 FULL pages, not including the Works Cited page.
MLA—Modern Language Association
The Topic:
First, read Susan Sontag’s essay “Regarding the Pain of Others” (Essay attached)
Second, Formulate a reaction to the piece based on your reading.
Write an essay that both examines Sontag’s essay and explores your reaction.
This assignment requires you to describe and analyze your reaction, using quotes to support your examination.
Be sure to analyze several quotes — as well as respond to them — connecting the analyses to your reactions, drawing a broader conclusion regarding what you’ve learned about the effects of challenging images.