Teaching Plan Teaching Strategies

Teaching Plan Teaching Strategies
Teaching Plan Term Assignment: Applying Your Knowledge, Skills and Strategies

Description and Learning Outcomes of Assignment:
In preparation for field placement and supporting people with developmental disabilities, each student will apply their knowledge of learning and teaching theories by:
• choosing one case study from a choice of three; and
• developing a teaching plan for the person in the case study. You will be teaching a positive new behaviour that reflects learning of new knowledge, skill, or strategy to improve functioning, independence and/or quality of life.
Components of Your Learning/Teaching Plan
Your teaching plan is based on the premise that it is person-directed, i.e. that the goal and objective is determined by the person you are supporting. Your teaching plan must include the following components:

1. Profile of the Person
• Who is the person? Background/history of person, physical, cognitive, communication and socioemotional information, important people in person’s life, likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, etc.

2. Goal
• What is the long term goal or outcome that this person would like to achieve? Why was this chosen as the goal? Provide a rationale as to why this is an achievable goal.

3. Objective
• What is the objective (one small, short-term step) that you will help the person learn in order to work towards achieving their goal? Provide a rationale for the objective, i.e. how does it help the person towards achieving their goal?
• Your objective must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Limited
• your objective must also be positive, i.e. it should emphasize a new, positive and adaptive behaviour, skill, strategy etc., rather than “getting rid of” a negative behaviour etc.

4. Baseline
• What prior learning (i.e. skills, knowledge, strategies or attitudes) that is needed for the task do they already possess? Can they already perform any of the components of the task that you will be teaching?
• What other related skills, knowledge, strategies or attitudes or knowledge do they have that you think will help them achieve their objective?
• What challenges are there that might “get in the way” of achieving their objective?

5. Conditions of Learning: Teaching Set-up
• Where will the teaching/learning occur, i.e. what is the physical environment/setting?
• When will teaching/learning occur? How often? How long is each learning session?
• How will you modify or organize this environment to meet you learner’s needs?
• Who is a part of the social environment, i.e. will learning occur 1:1, in pairs, in larger group? Who is involved with teaching?
• What learning aids, devices, supplies and other resources do you need?

6. Conditions of Learning: Instruction/Teaching
• Using Gagne’s nine instructional events of teaching as your guideline, describe how you will teach:
i. How will you gain the learner’s attention before you begin teaching?

ii. How will you inform them of the learning objective, and make sure they understand what they will be doing and what the learning outcome will be?

iii. How will you stimulate the recall of their prior learning, i.e. what they already know and can do related to the objective?

iv. How will you teach the person you are supporting?

• Provide a general overview of how you will teach the objective, by describing the overall or general teaching approaches and strategies you will use;

• List the steps of the task to be learned (i.e. from doing a task analysis) and explain how you will teach each step. The steps should be in a logical sequence, and the method of teaching should be developmentally appropriate and individualized to the person you are supporting; and

• Include a sample of a teaching aid or tool that you will use when teaching.

v. How will you provide learning guidance, i.e. what kinds of prompting will you use to support learning, and how often will you prompt? How will you reduce or fade the level and frequency of prompts to ensure learning success?

vi. How do you elicit performance, i.e. how do you incorporate practice into your teaching plan?

vii. How do you incorporate feedback and reinforcement into your teaching plan? What is the reinforcement and why did you choose this? How often do you provide feedback and reinforcement? How will you fade feedback and reinforcement to ensure learning success?

• What self-determination strategies have you built into your plan, i.e. how have you ensured that the person you are supporting has choices, ability to problem solve, self-evaluate their learning, etc.?
7. Evaluation of Learning
viii. How will you assess whether the person you are supporting has successfully learned?
• What variable(s) would you measure?
• Who is keeping track of progress?
• How are you keeping track of progress and data?
• Include a sample of how you would collect data
• How and when will you know when the person you are supporting has learned, i.e. what is the criteria for success?
8. Maintenance and Generalization of Learning
ix. How will you enhance retention and transfer/generalization of learning?
• How will you ensure that learning will be maintained after you are no longer involved in teaching and supporting?
• How will you help the person transfer or generalize the use of their learning to other environments?


Conditions of Learning: Instruction/Teaching
• Gain learner’s attention, inform them of the learning objective, and stimulate their prior learning? (3)
• Presenting/teaching the learning task:
o General overview of the teaching plan, including teaching strategies/approaches to be used (10)

o Is the task analysis of steps well-organized, appropriately detailed, and is there a clearly described teaching approach for each step? (14)

o Samples of teaching tools are attached (5)

o Overall, is the plan viable and a good fit for the objective and the person? (5)

• Learning guidance, i.e. Summary of Prompts – what kind, how often, fading over time? (6)
• Opportunities for practice are built into this teaching plan (1)
• Feedback and reinforcement – what kinds, how motivating, how often, fading over time? (6)
• Kinds of self-determination strategies used (2)