the challanges that Saudi females students face in developing their speaking skills while studying abroad (in Ireland)

the challanges that Saudi females students face

in developing their speaking skills while

studying abroad (in Ireland)

the study aims to explore the challenges that

female Saudi students in Ireland face when

developing their English speaking skills. The

research is guided by two sub-questions in the

process of the investigation. This includes:
1- What challenges do female Saudi students

perceive they face in developing the speaking

2- What strategies do they suggest to overcome

the identified barriers?
My order is to analyse the given data by using

the thematic analysis, and to write the result

and the discussion chapters, I want the result

chapter to be around 2500 words, the discussion

chapter can be around 3500 words.
I translated and transcribed the interviews and

I did the analysis as following( the following

was copied from the data analysis in the

methodology chapter)
Since the focus in this research is in the

context of exploring the challenges participants

encounter in their attempt to improve their

speaking skills, the thematic analysis method

was used to analyze the data obtained in the

course of the study. As suggested by Braun and

Clarke (2006), there are practical phases

followed in applying thematic analysis. This

• Familiarisation with the collected data.
• Generating the initial codes.
• Uniting codes into themes (to search for

• Reviewing the themes.
• Defining and naming the themes.
• Producing the report.
Following the process of thematic analysis, once

the data was collected, I read the transcripts

several times for purposes of familiarisation.

Concentrating on the data allows the researcher

to notice and identify patterns that stand out

within it. This process is called coding and

serves in identifying notable patterns for

further investigation. While reading the data

over and over again, it was analyzed manually

and inductively by using a highlighter pen,

writing notes, memos, and analytical comments on

the margins of the pages. For efficient

analysis, the researcher started to answer the

research question by reducing the data by

dividing it into categories. In other words,

initial codes were identified as the data were

hand-coded and labelled into categories:

participants’ speaking skill difficulties in a

??study abroad’ context, the strategies they

recommend and use to overcome those

difficulties, their thoughts and experiences

about studying in Ireland and their experiences

in communicating with people in the hosting

community. Though there are several computer

programs for analysing qualitative data, the

decision was made to use code-based manual

analysis using Microsoft Word in order to work

on the data extensively which would build an

intuitive sense to its patterns and features. In

addition, such programs require the capability

and the knowledge to use and run of which cannot

be achieved by the researcher within the limited

frame time of the study.
The code, in this context, implies a system of

symbols such as letters and or short words used

to represent and label a theme (Savin-Baden &

Major, 2014, p.422). As stated, the purpose of

coding is to search for themes in the data.

Thus, while generating the initial codes within

the data, several themes are noticed. Themes are

the uniting or unifying ideas within the data

which can be considered as the fundamental phase

in the process of the data analysis (Savin-Baden

& Major, 2014). Meanwhile, several candidate

themes and sub-themes appeared with which each

is a combination of several codes, were defined

and listed in different paper sheets for further

interpretation. There were few codes that were

not fit under any theme; hence they were grouped

together under a theme named miscellaneous

(Braun & Clarke, 2006). Then, the researcher

reviewed the themes several times in order to

investigate them and to find if the themes fit

well with the codes and whether the themes

represent the data accurately. I needed to

reorganize the themes with the given codes and

go back to the data to check once again if they

can be contributed to the data. I kept a list of

the codes and the analytical comments so that I

can keep track of them and their meanings. The

solidified themes which can be contributed to

the data and the research question were

carefully reorganized, explained and named with

concise and clear names that convey the meaning

and the story of the themes. The final step was

to compile the entire report supported by well-

chosen extracts from the collected data.
I found that many themes can be noticed in the

data, such as the cultural identity and the

social networks and engagement(Saudi opposite

gender and other opposite gender),considering

the fact that in Saudi Arabia the gender

segregation is the social norm of life that can

be seen everywhere, in schools, hospitals and

you may found another themes but in general I

was not happy with my analysis and I don’t even

know how to present it , and in which form it

should be presented since this is my first time

of doing a research, so I would like to ask you

to analyse the 6 interviews and to write the

result and the discussion chapters, and to

include your process of analysing it in appendix

or something for me to go back to it later.
Since I did the translation, you may found some

grammatical errors in the interview, I am not

asking you to correct them but when you extract

from the interviews to support the data in the

discussion, I hope from you to correct the

extracted quotes.
I did the literature review with you previously

and I will upload it along with the interviews

and the methodology chapter for you. Finally, I

would like to keep in contact with the writer,

to see the results before going to the

discussion chapter to provide you with my

feedbacks. and about the references, I only

choose 30 because I have to choose a certain

numbers, but you may take the numbers that it

takes for theses tow chapters to be done.