the racial and ethnic make-up of contemporary Britain

the racial and ethnic make-up of contemporary Britain

ESSAY QUESTION – ‘It is not the role of the British media to produce programmes which reflect accurately the racial and ethnic make-up of contemporary Britain. The

role of the British media is to entertain’. Critically evaluate this statement with reference to the TWO British media texts.

Assessment Criteria: Essay
• evidence of critical engagement with concepts and theories discussed on the module
• evidence of reading and research, both of key readings and wider scholarly research relevant to the topic.
• a clear argument supported by evidence and appropriate use of citation and references.

Assessment Criteria: Essay
• evidence of critical engagement with concepts and theories discussed on the module
• evidence of reading and research, both of key readings and wider scholarly research relevant to the topic.
• a clear argument supported by evidence and appropriate use of citation and references.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment
The learning outcomes are assessed in the following way:

• A key aim on the module is to introduce students to perspectives dealing with matters of culture, identity, representation and ideology as they relate to the social

experience of the Black and Asian British. Consequently both the Portfolio elements and the end of semester essay provide the summative assessment of the above

learning outcome as they are designed to test the students’ ability to understand and explain something of the nature of Black and Asian identities in Britain today.

• The module examines and clarifies the students’ understanding of core concepts, such as ‘race’, ethnicity and difference, through the study of Black and Asian

cultural production in music, film, writing and television. This method of approach also enables the module to explore the notion of cultural ‘self-making’ within

Black and Asian communities in Britain. Consequently, both the Portfolio elements and the end of semester essay provide the summative assessment of the learning

outcome above as they are designed to test the students’ by ability to describe and analyse works by Black and Asian cultural workers in a range of relevant fields.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment
The learning outcomes are assessed in the following way:

• A key aim on the module is to introduce students to perspectives dealing with matters of culture, identity, representation and ideology as they relate to the social

experience of the Black and Asian British. Consequently both the Portfolio elements and the end of semester essay provide the summative assessment of the above

learning outcome as they are designed to test the students’ ability to understand and explain something of the nature of Black and Asian identities in Britain today.

• The module examines and clarifies the students’ understanding of core concepts, such as ‘race’, ethnicity and difference, through the study of Black and Asian

cultural production in music, film, writing and television. This method of approach also enables the module to explore the notion of cultural ‘self-making’ within

Black and Asian communities in Britain. Consequently, both the Portfolio elements and the end of semester essay provide the summative assessment of the learning

outcome above as they are designed to test the students’ by ability to describe and analyse works by Black and Asian cultural workers in a range of relevant fields.