Week 9 Discussion: Management hierarchy: strategic, managerial and operational. (Click to Read Instructions)
Week 9- Effective and Efficient Business Functions
Discussion Question
Students must support their discussion with at least 4 academically reviewed articles. (Wikipedia, Smallbusinesschron.com and other internet articles are not acceptable. Professor reviews the originality of all postings). Do not copy and paste.
There are three levels of management hierarchy: strategic, managerial and operational.
Part 1: Review at least 4 academically reviewed articles on each management hierarchy. Summary the articles in your own words.
Part 2: Discuss how the three levels of management hierarchy: strategic, management, and operational relates to the mission of a business.
Part 3: As an IT professional, how would you use information technology to improve the efficiency the three levels of management hierarchy?
Complete your main post no later than Friday of week 9 (11:59pm EST). Please note that initial post not completed on the due date will receive zero grade.
Read and respond to at least two (2) of your classmates no later than Saturday 11:59pm EST of week 9 . Please note that secondary post not completed on the due date will receive zero grade.
Please use APA throughout.
Review posting/discussion requirements.
Below are additional suggestions on how to respond to your classmates’ discussions:
• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.
• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.
• Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
• Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
• Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.
Need To Reply For this response on this discussion Below as well adding some points who has already posted the discussion on the topic
Part 1: Review at least 4 academically reviewed articles on each management hierarchy. Summary the articles in your own words.
Management hierarchy is a leadership workplace structure in which authority is assigned on ranking basis and employees take directions from their supervisors.
1. Every employee in the organization knows their tasks to do.
2. Fortune companies can function smoothly
3. Management hierarchy helps organizations to be successful on the basis of economic leadership and growth.
1. Management hierarchy can lead to higher managers not fully know their own roles
2. Management hierarchy can lead to higher managers taking advantage of their position and taking wrong decisions
3. Management hierarchy can lead to higher managers pose wrong attitude.
Part 2: Discuss how the three levels of management hierarchy: strategic, management, and operational relates to the mission of a business.
1. Strategic: This is also referred as Top-level managers
The CEO, board of directors, president and the vice-president are all examples of top-level managers.These managers are responsible for controlling and managing the entire organization. They develop strategic plans, goals, company policies, and make decisions on the direction of the business organization.Top-level managers are accountable to the shareholders and general public.
2. Management: This is also referred as Middle-level managers. General managers, department managers and branch managers are all examples of middle-level managers. They are accountable to the top management for their management’s function.These managers are responsible for executing organization structure and plans in considering with the company’s policies and the objectives of the top management. Discussing information and policies from top management to lower management.
3. Operational: This is also referred as Low-level managers. Section leads, supervisors,and foremen are examples of low-level management titles. These managers focus on directing and controlling. Their work to assign work to employees, train other employees, ensuring quality of the product being delivered etc.
Part 3: As an IT professional, how would you use information technology to improve the efficiency the three levels of management hierarchy?
I would use the IT to improve the efficiency of the three levels of management hierarchy in my organization to exercise common sense, consideration and discretion within the organization. Train employees to take their own decisions rather waiting for middle level managers. Let them work on their own rather spoon feeding. Take employees input on organizational functions.
Technologies are growing almost in all the areas of the business but still every organisation need a proper management to isolate all the transactions of the business. Management helps the business to utilise all their resources including financial resources, manpower resources and technologies. Organisations maintain enough resources and they want to utilise it fully so that they can get better output. Without management nothing is possible in business.
Strategic Management:
Most of the organisations have various levels of management, strategic management is the highest one amongst all in the sense that it is the broadest and plays a crucial role for the management. The main agenda of every management is to use their resources up to the core so that they can achieve best targets in less expense. Strategic management gives direction to the corporate values, culture, mission and other goals. It decides the various strategies of the business including functional strategies, marketing strategies, new products development strategies etc.
Managerial Level of Management Hierarchy:
There are different types of managers in business like production team manager, development manager, senior manager etc. Managers have the overall responsibilities to take care of their duties in a given timeline. These hierarchy divides the responsibilities among the different management position, so that the business goals and predefined targets will be in clear way and even every individual from the organisations can easily reach. Distribution of work reduce the complexity of the project and get perfect idea because work parts should get allocated to the respective departments. Managerial level of Management further classified into three primary categories including:
Top level management
Middle level management
Low level management
Every management is keen towards the common objectives of the business so that by end of the day they can achieve the predefined objectives of the organisations. Every organisation have limited resources, specially financial resource part so management primarily focus on budget of the project.
Operational Management:
Operational management occupy the lower level in the management hierarchy. These managers take care of the day to day transactions of the business and have direct communication with the employees. They should responsible for all all the daily operations taking place at the business on a regular basis. This management plays a very crucial role in the success of the organisations.
How this three levels of Management Hierarchy relates to the mission of a business:
Managers from all the levels including top to lower, carries certain functions, Roles and responsibilities including planning, decisions making, implementation and controlling. Every management plays a crucial role in the business, it is like a back bone for every organisations. Even to take a single decision in the business they required management. Planning and decision making both are the crucial functions, if business fails to make proper planning in the initial stage business may face lots of troubles in the future.
Management helps the business to utilise all their business resources in a proper way so that they have proper accountability by end of the day. These three levels of management helps the organisations to make effective planning and decision making to reach the targets and divide the workloads to all the departments with respect to their roles and responsibilities. The chain between management and employees should be short so that they can have direct communications with the management towards their regular tasks. These hierarchy helps the organisations to cover all the workload activities.
Internet, globalisation and liberalisation have completely changed the structure of way of doing business. We all know how the society became attached to the social media and internet. Information technology is growing fast from past two decades if observed the things from closely, it increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the business. Organisations that need to make due in this extremely competitive condition need to accelerate the basic decision making process and reduce the cost. One method for achieving the two objectives is to level the organisation structure.
This can be achieved by the effective management chain of hierarchy which helps the business to grow into the competitive world. The uses of information technology is almost everywhere starting from organisations to remote areas all are easily able to access. Information technology provides various applications to the business with the help of those organisations can back up their past and present data to make better decision making in the critical situations like management Information System, which helps to store and retrieve historical data.