A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen

In a complete essay, respond to the following issues. Do not “list” them separately;
weave them into one contiguous essay.
Use the format concerning the opening paragraph, with a clear-cut thesis statement, the
mention of the main points you will argue, and the reiteration of those main points as
topic sentences in the body paragraphs.
As always, you will employ at least one, but no more than two, quotes from the text itself
into each body paragraph.
Issue One: Identify the “voice of reason” character. Explain what makes this person
such, and how this person’s actions pay off by the play’s climax.
Issue Two: Identify the “catalyst character.” Explain what makes this person such, and
how this person’s actions pay off by the play’s climax.
‘Varning: Do not confuse the voice of reason character with the catalyst. If you
understand the play-and the terminology-it will be obvious, and you will identify each
Issue Three: Explain Ibsen’s use of these symbolic “objective correlatives”: that the play
takes place during the Christmas/New Year’s holidays; the importance of Nora’s dress;
and, the importance of the “tarantula” dance.
F or these, you should respond in one short paragraph for each.
Employ the format listed on the syllabus.