Fahrenheit 451 part 3
put the sentences in the correct order…
A: Beatty and Montag are in front of Montags House
B: Beatty explains to Montag that the real beauty of fires lies in its capacity to destroy responsibility and consequences.
C: Beatty mocks Montags,saying he burnt his wings because he wanted to fly.
D: Montags leg is badly hurt.
E: He intends to put Montag under arrest as soon as he has finisheed burning everything.
F: He also scolds and ridicules Montag for having been friends with Clarisse.
G: He arrives at the house of a college, wheere he hides a book.
H: He goes on provoking him until Montag kills Beatty.
I: Montag knocks out his 2 colleagues, then suddenly the Hound appears and attacks Montag.
J: He is almost run over by a car and realises something.
K: He want Montag to destroy his own house.
L: He warns him not to escape because the Mechanical Hound will be around.
M: His leg is numb and he starts crying.
N: Finally he puts a Seashell radio to his ear.
O: He finds a pertol station and washs his face.
P: Mildred leaves the house, gets into a taxi and dont say goodbye.
Q: Stricken with pain Montag finds some books he hid in the garden.
R: Montag relaizes that is was Mildred who betrayes him.
S: Montags colleagues begin destroying him.
T: The green bullet alls to the ground and Beatty picks it up.
U: The pain in his leg slowly subsides.
V: He can hear the police helicopters searching the city for him.
W: With the help of the green bullet, Faber warns Montag to run away.