Dr. Nolte-Odhiambo – ENG 200 – Fall 2013 – Assignment: Week 7: Ads and Art
Task: Write a two-page, double-spaced essay in which you reflect on the reading for this week, “Advertising and People of Color” by Wilson and Gutierrez, and on the gallery of “11 Works of Art Re-Imagined With People of Color.” The reading by Wilson and Gutierrez is available under “Resources” on Laulima as well as here: http://www.sagepub.com/dines3estudy/articles/06_Wilson_Pg283.pdf. The re-imagined works of art can be found at this link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/classic-works-of-art-reimagined-with-people-of-color. In your reflection, you should discuss your reaction to both the article and the art pieces, and you should try to note the overarching themes apparent in both. For example, which of the points Wilson and Gutierrez make apply to the analysis of the re-imagined works of art as well, and how so? Do you see a correlation between the (lack of a) portrayal of people of color in ads and art? How does the re-imagined art question and/or re-affirm racial stereotypes, and do you find the pieces successful in challenging the prevalence of white, Western art in our culture?
Before you start writing, you need to carefully read the assigned chapter, looking up any words or concepts you are unfamiliar with, and look through the re-imagined works of art. After you have done both, you should re-read relevant sections in Wilson and Gutierrez’s essay to see if and how their argument applies not just to ads but art as well.
After you’ve finished writing, be sure to revise and proofread your work carefully, and check that your essay adheres to MLA formatting rules. If you need to review MLA formatting guidelines, you can refer to Purdue OWL (http://owl.english.purdue.edu) or any MLA handbook. Before turning in your essay, please re-read this assignment sheet to ensure that your work fulfills all the assignment criteria.
Due date: Your reflection letter will be due on Monday, October 14, at 6 pm. Late work will be penalized (see the syllabus for details), and essays turned in more than 72 hours late will not be accepted and cannot be made up. Save your essay as a Word document and upload it as an attachment to “Week 7: Ads and Art” under “Assignments” on Laulima.