Ant 104 Week 4 Discussion Test 3


Book: Bonvillain, Nancy. (2014/2011). Language, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages. Seventh or Sixth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Please write your respond to Question 1 and 2:
1. In chapter 5, Nancy Bonvillain explains that conversation analysts have devoted a great deal of time and effort to understanding politeness. This may surprise you since many people in our own society complain of widespread rudeness. Please describe in as much detail as possible a rude interaction in which you participated and/or witnessed. Then, applying what you’ve learned about politeness from chapter 5, tell us which rules of politeness were violated. From your example and/or others you may recall, is it possible to identify rules of rudeness or is rudeness merely the violation of politeness norms? Finally, if you wish, share some strategies that you find effective in undermining or resisting rudeness.
Your respond
2. In chapter 6, Nancy Bonvillain describes research, which reveals that the language of Deaf African Americans and women is changing to be more like the dominant group (white males). Why do you think this change is occurring? What do you think about it?
Your respond:
Please answer to the question on a test# 3
1. Feminists are most likely to use the female forms of signs in Irish Sign Language.
2. According to researchers, what linguistic feature(s) is/are characteristic of men’s communicative style online? (check all that apply)
A. questions
B. statements of absolute certainty
C. hedges and qualifiers
D. insults
E. apologies
3. Unlike face-to-face interactions, telephone conversations are not based on turn-taking.
4. In American Sign Language (ASL), fingerspelling is used when there is no sign for a particular word.
5. In which type of telephone interaction do callers have an advantage over the answerer, who lacks caller ID, from the beginning? (check all that apply)
A. calls between very close friends
B. calls between familiy members
C. calls between business associates
D. calls between strangers
6.Reading and responding to posts on a forum is an example of
A. face-to-face communication
B. communicating solely through emoticons
C. synchronous computer-mediated communication.
D. asynchronous computer-mediated communication.
7. Chinese Internet Language (CIL) has been heavily influenced by English.
8. Which of the following options is an example of a synchronous mode of computer-mediated communication? (check all that apply)
A. email
B. chat rooms
C. blogs
D. message boards
9.What is the first thing that Dutch speakers usually say when they answer the telephone?
A. They ask why the person is calling.
B. They give their own name.
C. They give a routinzed greeting, such as “Good morning” or “Good evening.”
D. They ask who is calling.
10.Which of the following is not one of Grice’s maxims?
A. Manner: be entertaining
B. Quantity: be informative
C. Relation: be relevant
D. Quality: be truthful
E. Manner: be perspicuous
11.All of the following are Robin Lakoff’s postulates for politeness, except ___________.
A. Be humble.
B. Don’t impose.
C. Give options.
D. Make A [the other person] feel good–be friendly.
12.Brown and Levinson suggest that everywhere politeness is based on assumptions of cooperation because all social groups need to minimize conflict.
13.According to H.P. Grice, a cooperative principle is presumed to operate in most social encounters.
14.Searching for universal principles, Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson studied politeness in English, Japanese, and Tamil.
15. According to Sachiko Ide, the overriding rule of politeness among Japanese speakers is “be polite in all settings.”
16.When Cree speak English, their turn-taking habits are remarkably similar to those of US and Canadian English speakers.
17.Robin Lakoff’s rules of pragmatic competence are: 1) be honest; and 2) be polite.
18.Although they find talk to be extremely important, most Anthropologists believe that brute force is the primary means through which humans satisfy personal goals.
19.In 1974, Harvey Sacks, Emanuel Schegloff, and Gail Jefferson suggested that turn-taking among US English speakers is characterized by _______________ (check all that apply.)
A. speaker change recurs, or, at least occurs
B. transitions from one turn to the next with no gap and no overlap or with slight gap and slight overlap
C. overwhelmingly one party talks at a time
D. use of the backchannel cue, “yes,” to convey attentiveness
20.Sachiko Ide identified all of the following rules of Japanese social etiquette, except ___________.
A. Be polite to a person of higher social position.
B. Be polite to one’s spouse.
C. Be polite to an older person.
D. Be polite to a person with power.
