Task/QuestionTask/QuestionPART A Building Site Inspection of a Foundation FailureFind an existing building that has suffered some form of movement/failure from a foundation problem.Provide a report of the site and building failure. The report as a minimum should include the following: 1. Desk Study of site – complete a desk study of the site. (see section 5 of learning resource) 2. Site/Building Description – A description and plan of the site. Discuss the location, surrounding topography, type of soil, type of building, building age and foundation and footing type. 3. Failure Description – in detail describe the failure. Note you will need to refer to relevant Australian Standards 4. Failure Analysis – Here you need to analyse the failure and from you finding describe the mechanism that would have cause the failure
5. Remedial measures – What do you think is the cause of the failure and what measures would you take to fix it. Draw some conclusions about the adequacy of the structure for the site.
Note: This is a report and must be presented as such. Each of the points listed above must be the headings within the report. You need to include the following in you report – • Title page• Contents page• References• Appendix – including any important data you collected• You should include photos and drawings in your report.The main body of the report should be approximately 2 to 5 pages of writing.
PART BThis is a series of questions to be answered. You must answer all the questions and show all working.Question 1
From the topographic map below draw the two Sections A-A and B-B, as requested.You must indicate your scales in both directions. The diagrams should be a realistic representation of the contours on this terrain.
Question 2
A sample of soil in a container weighs 67.5g. After being dried out in an oven the sample and container together weigh 46.4g. The volume of the sample is determined to be 115cm3, with 10% being air voids. The container weighs 10.8g.Calculate the following:a) Dry densityb) Moisture content (%)c) Voids ratiod) Porositye) Degree of saturation
Calculations:Show the general weight and volume calculations that are required for all five answers, and the calculations for the individual answers.
Question 3Determine the neutral, effective and total pressure for the footing below.Is this an acceptable situation for a building? If yes, why? If no, what would you do to rectify the situation? Explain your answer.
Diagram 2
Question 4For each of the following set of information please provide the footing design that complies with AS2870 – 1996 Residential slabs and footings – Construction.Footing 1Use the following information to design you footing for the site information given. Include all your assumptions for the footing design and include a drawing of the cross section for each footing design:• Design from section 3 of AS2870 – 1996.• Assume the footing is for a single storey, brick veneer dwelling.• The footing is to be a slab on ground.• The site classification is M.
Footing 2Use the following information to design you footing for the site information given. Include all your assumptions for the footing design and include a drawing of the cross section for each footing design:• Design from section 3 of AS2870 – 1996.• Assume the footing is for a single storey, brick veneer dwelling.• The site classification is A.• Site two is to be a timber floor (pier and beam).